vrijdag 1 mei 2020

Palestijnse vakbonden wijzen op de benarde situatie van arbeiders onder bezetting en Covid-19

Palestinian trade unions highlight plight of workers under occupation and Covid-19

UNRWA staff strike in Gaza [Mohammed Asad/Middle East Monitor]
UNRWA staff strike in Gaza [Mohammed Asad/Middle East Monitor]

A May Day statement issued by Workers in Palestine on behalf of local trade unions has highlighted the dire economic situation of Palestinian workers who are the most affected by the Covid-19 lockdown under Israeli occupation.

The statement pays particular attention to the plight of Palestinian labourers inside the pre-1967 borders and the role of the Histadrut, Israel’s trade union federation, in their exploitation.
The conditions of the pandemic under “colonial discrimination” and the 13 year siege placed on Gaza was mentioned in addition to years of “systemic economic de-development policies” that have left Palestinians with inadequate health infrastructure, a stagnating economy and unprecedented levels of unemployment. More than 34 per cent were unemployed in the West Bank and Gaza before the spread of Covid-19, and that figure has now risen to more than 60 per cent.


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