maandag 29 september 2014

Arbeiders tegen Israel, over hoe belangrijk vakbondsactie is bij BDS-werk

Robert Croma / Flickr
Robert Croma / Flickr

Workers Against Israel

Nothing is more crucial to the success of BDS than the movement’s relationship with organized labor.

Over the past year, the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) campaign has finally gained some widespread political attention in the United States: from the American Studies Association’s vote to endorse the academic boycott of Israel, to the flurry of student votes for divestment at the University of California and other US campuses, to the unprecedented criticism that met Scarlett Johansson when she quit her role as global ambassador for Oxfam so she could continue as global ambassador for SodaStream.

Last month’s protests at West Coast ports point not only to the momentum with which BDS has moved forward – more quickly than most activists could have predicted – but also to the possibility of direct action posing an ever graver threat to business as usual for Israel, particularly when organized labor is on board.

Until now, no one had ever kept an Israeli cargo ship from unloading for two consecutive days; we blocked the Zim Piraeus for four.

From Saturday, August 16 to Tuesday, August 19, activists at the Port of Oakland protested Israeli human rights abuses by picketing the berths where the ship intended to offload its cargo.

Zim Integrated Shipping Services isn’t just an Israeli shipping company. It’s the largest Israeli shipping company — the tenth largest in the world — and it’s intimately tied to the government, which owns a special stake in Zim (known as the “golden share”) and requires that it keep at least eleven ships at all times, to be used by the military in the case of national security emergencies.

Founded in 1945 by the Histadrut (the main Israeli trade union body) and the Jewish Agency, Zim functioned during the Nakba as the sole maritime connection for Zionist colonists and, subsequently, the nascent state of Israel. The Israeli government’s ownership of Zim has given the company monopoly power from the beginning: US loans going towards transportation, for example, would be earmarked for Zim, prompting one member of the Knesset in 1950 to remark that he “approve[s] the loan legislation, on condition that there is one law for all, and that all companies are treated equally with [government owned] Zim Shipping…. Zim has privileges which private companies don’t.”

Zim was privatized in 2004 when Israel Corp., owned by the Ofer Brothers Group, bought the government’s stake in the company for $115 million. But the government still retains its “golden share,” which gives it veto power over major share sales or other corporate actions.

The Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) has called on workers worldwide, and Bay Area workers in particular, to refuse to facilitate the commerce of Zim and other Israeli companies as part of BDS. This call was supported by COSATU, the Coalition of South African Trade Unions.

US unions have for the most part been slow to respond, due in part to the deep and longstanding influence of the Histadrut and its US counterpart, the Jewish Labor Committee (JLC). Formed as an anti-fascist solidarity group in 1934, the JLC has since the end of World War II taken the most reactionary positions on political (and particularly racial justice) issues, from supporting McCarthyite anti-communist, anti-Semitic witch-hunts in the 1950s, to demonizing the black freedom movement in the sixties, to helping roll back affirmative action policies in the seventies, to supporting the US attacks on Vietnam and Iraq.

The organization is primarily concerned, however, with enforcing a pro-Israel line in elite labor and Democratic Party circles, including through its cozy relationship with the AFL-CIO. In 2009, the JLC co-founded the group Trade Unions Linking Israel and Palestine (TULIP), whose specific purpose is to prevent trade union support for BDS and undermine it where it already exists.

Given this political climate, it’s remarkable that this summer’s Block the Boat action in Oakland was able to succeed — and only due to mass community participation and solidarity from the rank and file of the Bay Area dockworkers’ union, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10. While the JLC and other Zionist organizations wield great influence over the AFL-CIO, the ILWU actually broke with the AFL-CIO as recently as August 2013. The union’s slogan is “An injury to one is an injury to all,” and their history bears out their commitment to international solidarity.

It was a strike by Local 10 that kept a South African ship from offloading its cargo for eleven days in 1984. In 1978, Local 10 refused to load weapons parts that were supposed to be sent to Chile’s brutal military dictatorship. During the Occupy protests, the union refused to work as part of the general strike called for by Occupy Oakland and other activists. Local 10 member Clarence Thomas traces the union’s history of honoring direct actions back eighty years: “[w]e’ve respected community picket lines since 1935, when Local 10 workers refused to load metal that was bound for the war machines of fascist Italy and Japan.”

Since sympathy strikes are illegal under the anti-labor Taft-Hartley Act, the union leadership itself couldn’t take a position in support of Block the Boat’s community picket. But the sympathies of the rank-and-file are nonetheless clear, nowhere more so than in the 2010 resolution (adopted by Local 10’s executive board) condemning Israel’s attack on the Mavi Marmara and declaring support for the PGFTU call for boycott. That year saw the first successful port action targeting an Israeli ship in 2010, when (in response to Israel’s massacre of nine activists aboard the Gaza aid flotilla Mavi Marmara) five hundred activists in Oakland prevented a Zim ship from unloading for a full day.

Then as now, the efforts of Oakland’s community in support of the Palestinian liberation movement would not have enjoyed such success without the support of the ILWU rank and file. According to Block the Boat organizer Lara Kiswani, executive director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), part of the reason for the successes of the Bay Area Palestine solidarity work lies in its history of engagement with organized labor: “The Arab and Palestinian community worked for over a decade to establish a relationship to the labor movement in the Bay Area.”

Indeed, Block the Boat had initially been planned for August 2, but AROC organizers pushed for it to be rescheduled to August 16 in order to give them time to develop their relationship with the union, as well as to bring out the Palestinian and other Arab leadership that has been central throughout protests against the Gaza massacre. Day after day, AROC and other activists went to the union hall to talk to the workers, to explain why they were carrying out the action, to answer their questions, and to ask for their support, in a continual process of engagement.

We also had the support of ILWU members who are community activists around many anti-racist struggles. The most important relationships weren’t with the union leadership, Kiswani says, but with the rank and file, who were supportive throughout the action: “[W]e even received phone calls and emails from ILWU workers providing us with vital information about the ship, its whereabouts and its anticipated departure.”

While Block the Boat was originally planned as a one-off, the success of the August 16 action (the Piraeus didn’t even attempt to dock) created such momentum that the effort broadened beyond the initial organizing. The community returned every day at 5 am, and then again at 5 pm. Zim tried to wait it out — they even (apparently) tried to fake us out by making for Los Angeles and then doubling back to dock in a different berth, operated by Ports of America (PA).

The little cargo Zim managed to offload was, according to sources in the longshoremen’s union, a result of the duplicity of PA, which circumvented our picket by calling in longshoremen to work other ships before transferring them to the Piraeus. In 2010, Local 10 was under contract, which guaranteed they would be paid irrespective of their decision to strike. This time, however, they were without a contract, which meant they wouldn’t be paid if they refused to work. Still, every morning and every evening, Local 10 lived up to their values and reputation by refusing to cross our picket line.

We were told that, officially, the longshoremen wouldn’t cross because of “unsafe working conditions.” It wasn’t our picket that made the conditions unsafe, but rather, potential police reaction — union members pointed to a 2005 incident in which Oakland police shot workers crossing a picket line with rubber bullets. As long as our picket line was big enough, Local 10 would respect it.

The longshoremen kept their word. As midnight approached on Tuesday, August 19, we heard from several sources that those longshoremen who had been manipulated into working the Zim ship were planning to engage in a work slowdown, deliberately minimizing the amount of cargo they unloaded. The insistence of AROC and other activists that the Block the Boat coalition take the time to cultivate a relationship with labor based on trust and respect turned out to be crucial.

While some sloppy media reports alleged that the ship had successfully unloaded its cargo before leaving the Bay, sources told us that only a fraction of the 176 Oakland-bound containers were actually offloaded. One Port of Oakland official claimed 26 had been unloaded; other union sources said 50. These figures remain unconfirmed, but regardless of the exact numbers, as the ship finally left it was clearly still laden with red containers, while no cargo was loaded onto it.

This information has since been confirmed by companies quoted as saying they’re reconsidering doing business with Zim in the wake of Block the Boat. It would certainly explain why it spent August 20 moored in the Bay instead of taking off immediately. Maybe it was waiting for us to leave before attempting to dock at another berth. At any rate, it wasn’t a decision Zim made lightly: one dockworker told us every twelve hours we delayed the Piraeus cost the company $50,000.

That figure, too, is still unconfirmed, but what we know for sure is that the lost revenue greatly exceeds the operating costs. After activists in Los Angeles, Tacoma, and Seattle also succeeded in delaying Zim ships, it’s clear that Block the Boat isn’t just a flash in the pan: doing business with Zim can cause significant delays, and customers who don’t want to deal with that will take their business elsewhere.

So it appears that, as a BDS tactic, Block the Boat has legs. And it’s no surprise that it was kicked off in the Bay Area, a hotbed of Palestinian and Palestine solidarity activism. University of California Berkeley and University of California Davis, for example, were home to two of the earliest chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), an organization of which I am a member. In 2002, Berkeley hosted the first National SJP Conference. Since then, SJP chapters have been at the vanguard of BDS campaigns (specifically focused on divestment) at universities across the United States.

Kiswani, herself one of the co-founders of SJP at Davis, says the strength and vision of pro-Palestinian organizing in the Bay Area is attributable, in part, to the painstaking work of building coalitions across movements: “The organizing that led up to the Block the Boat action in Oakland included the leadership of AROC and that of Arabs and Palestinians,” she told me, “but also involved the leadership of organizers that work on issues of policing, militarization, anti-war, economic, housing, and racial justice.”

The growing success of BDS — through divestment initiatives, Block the Boat, or other direct actions — depends on precisely these kinds of relationships. As this action showed, no single relationship is more crucial to the effectiveness of BDS than its relationship to organized labor. BDS isn’t just about isolating Israel. It’s also about normalizing that isolation, so that every dollar Zim loses due to delays or spoiled goods carries with it the threat of much greater losses.

Zim is already in dire financial straits, requiring a gigantic restructuring plan that would, among other things, write off $1.4 billion of the company’s $3.4 billion debt. Israel regards Zim as vital to national security, and not just because of its golden share or those eleven ships. The Israeli government’s ability to preserve its regime of ethnic cleansing and apartheid ultimately depends on its smooth integration into the global capitalist system.

Corporations like Zim are lifelines that tie Israel to the “international community” of global trade. The Israeli economy is heavily dependent on exports, mostly to the US and Europe: A 2011 meeting of Israeli capitalists concluded that, if government policy doesn’t change dramatically, Israel eventually will face isolation on the order of what ended apartheid South Africa.

One of Israel’s largest global industries is the repression industry. Israel plays a critical role in supplying repressive regimes — from Pinochet to the Argentinean junta to the South African apartheid government, from the United States to Brazil to India — with the technology, weapons, strategies, and methods of repression that they need to repress their own populations and gain political and economic power through the exploitation of people and land across the globe.

However, beyond the war economy, according to the Israel Export Institute, “a worrying picture”: Israeli exports to the US have been declining for five consecutive quarters, falling 7 percent in the second quarter of 2014. The Palestine solidarity movement is moving from strength to strength. The protests of Zim, as the last big solidarity action in the wake of Israel’s counterinsurgency operation in the Gaza Strip, makes clear how ripe the situation is for an escalation of BDS action in the US and worldwide.

The keys to escalating BDS lie at the intersections of struggles. The progressive currents in organized labor are in many cases already sympathetic to Palestinians. It’s up to activists to reciprocate by being precise in our work, and ever mindful of the pressures union workers are under and their experience of corporate power.

It’s up to everyone who stands in solidarity with Palestinians to make connections. The Zim line imports Israeli-made ammunition into the US for use by police and the military. The bullets Israel routinely uses to kill Palestinians with impunity are the same bullets the US uses to kill black and brown people from Oakland to Ferguson to Afghanistan.

Zim is a key material link between the purveyors and the executors of imperial violence, between racist state repression at home and abroad. This year as last year, SWAT teams and military contractors from around the world convened in Oakland for the annual “Urban Shield” global training exercise and weapons expo. Like other such events, Israelis feature prominently at Urban Shield, often advertising their wares as field-tested on Palestinians.

This year, Urban Shield was met with fierce resistance from a coalition of hundreds of activists, from those organizing against local police brutality and mass incarceration to those organizing against Israeli militarism and apartheid.

Oakland won’t be hosting Urban Shield next year. And a glance at the Zim Pacific line’s schedule indicates there will be no Zim ships docking in California — not in the Bay Area, and not in Los Angeles — after the next Oakland Block the Boat action on October 25.

That’s what BDS looks like to me.

zondag 28 september 2014


Twee beelden (van Amos Libby) uit vele:

Anja Meulenbelt:Tribunaal tegen de misdaad van het zwijgen
'...  Dat we één misdaad in ieder geval hebben doorbroken, de misdaad van het zwijgen.'

Abu Pessoptimist: oorlogsmisdaden in Gaza en een risico van genocide
' Israel heeft zich tijdens de Operatie Protective Edge in de Gaza-strook in juli en augustus van dit jaar schuldig gemaakt aan oorlogsmisdaden, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid, moord, uitroeiing en vervolging en het aanzetten tot genocide. Tot die conclusie is het Internationale Russell Tribunaal (Ìnternationale Tribunaal over Oorlogsmisdaden), donderdag gekomen na een tweedaagse zitting in Brussel die speciaal was gewijd aan de jongste militaire veldtocht van Israel tegen Gaza. ...  '

Zie verder: Extraordinary Session on Gaza: Summary of findings, Brussels, 25 September 2014

- Zie daarin 35 punten met als laatste een oproep aan de zgn. Civil Society, aan maatschappelijke organisaties zoals ook vakbonden. En hun leden dus.
- De site bevat verder ook de agenda's van 24 en 25 september, videobeelden van de getuigenissen, getuigenisssen in schrift en videobeelden van de persconferentie.

Werkloze Palestijnen trotseren doodsrisico om te emigreren

Jobless Palestinians brave death to migrate

Mohammed Omer, 24-9-2014

Living in unspeakable conditions, Gaza’s youth are taking incredible risks to escape the strip to find work and dignity in Europe

Scores of Palestinian migrants wait for days at the Rafa crossing with Egypt (AFP)

RAFAH, Gaza City - Ahmed Abu-Ayyad first heard about the devastating shipwreck that killed hundreds of migrants on the news when the television began beaming in images of dead bodies, drowned off the coast of Malta.

The 25-year-old saw that many people were missing, including Palestinians with whom he grew up, and he could feel panic and despair spread through his neighbourhood as families began to mourn their loved ones, fearing but not yet knowing whether they were alive or dead.

But while the memories are still fresh, and people are still reeling from the 13 September disaster, Abu-Ayyad insists that he still wants to travel far away from Gaza. After living through the latest Israeli war - and surviving some seven weeks-worth of bombing and fighting - he says that he has nothing left to lose and dreads staying, more than he dreads the perilous journey to Europe where he says he will at least experience some simple freedoms.

“I just dream of having an ordinary job and the ability to live a dignified life,” said Abu-Ayyad.

“Here, in Gaza, I am not able to have either," he adds, before explaining that the absence of basic human rights drives him to constantly dream of a life that is just not possible under Israel's occupation and blockade.

- See more at:  

maandag 22 september 2014

LabourStart petitie: Say No to union-busting of Palestinian workers organizing in Mishor Adumim

 An attempt to unionize Palestinian garage workers in the West Bank is being busted by an Israeli employer working together with police. Workers at the Zarfati Garage organized in the independent WAC-MAAN union, called a strike to defend their rights and the employer retaliated by fabricating “security” charges against the union leader, Hatem Abu Ziadeh using the war in Gaza as a cover. Israeli police have now revoked his work permit, which meant his actual dismissal. WAC-MAAN and the workers at Zarfati Garage are determined to struggle against this arbitrary persecution of Committee Chairperson Hatem Abu Ziadeh. Please support their demand to cancel all charges against Abu Ziadeh and allow the workers to freely organize and demand their rights.

Support them by sending a message of protest.

zondag 21 september 2014

Israel sloopte Palestijnse Ar-Rayyan yoghurtfabriek in Hebron

Israel sloopt melkfabriek in Hebron en huizen van Bedoeïenen bij Jeruzalem

The remains of the Al-Rayyan yogurt factory after the Israeli army demolished it. (Photo by Youth Against Settlements)
De resten van de Ar-Rayyan yoghurtfabriek in Hebron. (Foto Youth Against Settlements)

Israelische bulldozers hebben dinsdagmorgen vroeg een fabriek van yoghurt in Hebron verwoest, zo hebben getuigen  het persbureau Ma'an gemeld.  Zij zeiden dat Israelische militairen naar de wijk al-Rama kwamen met twee bulldozers en twee graafmachines en begonnen de fabriek af te breken, die eigendom is van Hebrons Islamitische Liefdadigheidsvereniging. Het leger verklaarde de wijk tijdens de sloop tot een gesloten militair gebied en hield op die manier journalisten en omstanders op een afstand.

Hatim al-Bakri, de voorzitter van het bestuur van de Islamitische Liefdadigheidsvereniging, zei dat de schade die is toegebracht ongeveer twee miljoen dollar bedraagt. Hij verklaarde ook dat de hulpverlening aan weeskinderen in de regio Hebron zwaar te lijden zal hebben van de Israelische vernielingen.

A solidarity visit to the Al-Rayyan yogurt factory two months before the demolition. (Photo by Haggai Matar)
De fabriek twee maanden eerder, gefotografeerd tijdens een bezoek van activisten. (Foto Haggai Matar)
Bakri zei dat de Israeli's in  de maand Ramadan al de bezittingen en machines van de fabriek in beslag hadden genomen. Dat gebeurde in het kader van de reeks razzia's op de Westoever die volgde op de kidnapping van drie Joodse tieners in de buurt van Gush Etzion. Bakri zei dat de Israeli's de vereniging ervan beschuldigen banden met Hamas te hebben.  

Los van de vernielingen in Hebron vernietigden de Israeli's dinsdag ook vijf huizen van Bedoeïenen in het plaatsje Jaba'a ten oosten van Jeruzalem. Een woordvoerster van het militaire gezag bevestigde tegenover Ma'an dat in Hebron een ''illegale structuur'' was  vernietigd. Zij bevestigde ook de sloop van vijf huizen in Jaba'a die geen vergunning hadden. 

Israel heeft tot nu toe in 2014 359 huizen en structuren op de Westoever vernield onder het motto dat ze geen vergunningen hadden, volgens het Israelische Comité tegen de Sloop van Huizen (ICAHD). Palestijnen kunnen om vergunningen vragen tot ze een ons wegen, ze worden bijna  nooit verleend. In totaal heeft Israel sinds het in 1967 de Westoever en Jeruzalem bezette, meer dan 27,000 huizen verwoest.

قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي تهدم مساكن للبدو بالقرب من قرية جبع (عدسة:بهاء نصر/وفا)
Bedoeïenen uit Jaba'a tussen de rommel na de verwoesting van hun huis. (Foto WAFA, 2 september 2014).



Met alle details over de zitting, die Live Stream te volgen is.


Deze speciale zitting van het Russell Tribunaal over Palestina (focus op Gaza) wordt weer gesteund door de vakbeweging in België, door de ABVV en de Algemene centrale-ABVV. Zij steunden eerder het Russell Tribunaal van maart 2013 te Brussel, waarbij ook Shaher Sa'ed van de PGFTU (Palestijnse vakbondsfederatie) aanwezig was.


Politie in Israël houdt Palestijnse arbeiders eronder

Politie in Israël houdt Palestijnse arbeiders eronder

Nir Hasson 1

Terwijl de afgelopen weken het Israëlische leger huishield in Gaza, kwam de politie in Israël in actie tegen Palestijnse arbeiders op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Vakbond Workers' Advice Center-MAAN steunde hun verzet en bracht een petitie uit die LabourStart wereldwijd verspreidde: "Israëls politie helpt Joodse werkgevers stakingen te breken op de West Bank". 2
De petitie laat zien hoe Arabische arbeiders door de politie in opdracht van de werkgevers geïntimideerd worden, wanneer ze zich in een vakbond organiseren.

Ontslag spreekbuis arbeiderscomité

"Het politiedistrict van Judea en Samaria wordt soms door Joodse werkgevers op de West Bank ingezet om pogingen van Palestijnse arbeiders tegen te gaan die hun arbeidsomstandigheden willen verbeteren", aldus een petitie die maandag 15 september 2014 is overhandigd aan de Hoge Raad van Justitie.

De petitie werd, met steun van het Workers' Advice Center-MAAN, aangeboden door Hatem Abu Ziadeh, 44 jaar, inwoner van Bir Zeit. Abu Ziadeh werkt al jaren bij de Tzarfati Garage, een groot auto-service centrum in de industriële zone Mishor Adumim vlakbij Jeruzalem. Net als veel werkgevers van Palestijnse arbeiders voorzagen de garagebazen niet in sociale voorzieningen voor de daar werkzame arbeiders. In de afgelopen vijftien maanden was Abu Ziadeh spreekbuis van een arbeiderscomité dat met hulp van de vakbond MAAN werd opgezet, om over betere arbeidsvoorwaarden te onderhandelen.

Toen de garage-eigenaars probeerden Abu Ziadeh te ontslaan, wendde MAAN zich tot het Hof van Arbeid van Jeruzalem. Dat Hof droeg anderhalve maand geleden de eigenaars op het ontslag van Abu Ziadeh ongedaan te maken en verder te onderhandelen met de arbeiders.
De volgende dag deden de garage-eigenaars aangifte tegen Abu Ziadeh bij de politie van het district Judea en Samaria, omdat hij andere arbeiders zou hebben bedreigd. Abu Ziadeh werd beschouwd als een veiligheidsrisico, omdat hij een voertuig van het Israëlische Leger had beschadigd waaraan in de garage werd gewerkt.

Zie verder

vrijdag 19 september 2014

Israel doet goed zaken, dankzij Gaza-oorlog

Israeli drone conference features weapons used to kill Gaza’s children

The Hermes 900 was among the drones used to bomb Gaza this summer. (Tal Inbar)

Less than one month after killing more than 2,100 Palestinians in Gaza, including over 500 children, Israel is hosting its annual drone conference.

Organized in partnership with the US embassy in Tel Aviv, “Israel Unmanned Systems 2014” offers Israeli military firms an opportunity to flaunt the performance of their products, many of which were tested on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip this summer.

Palestine has long served as a laboratory for Israel’s ballooning “homeland security” industry to test and perfect weapons of domination and control, with disenfranchised and stateless Palestinians serving as their lab rats.

Speaking to the German magazine Der Spiegel last month, Avner Benzaken, head of the Israeli army’s “technology and logistics” division — a unit “comprised largely of academics who also happen to be officers” — explained the benefits of this occupation.

“If I develop a product and want to test it in the field, I only have to go five or ten kilometers from my base and I can look and see what is happening with the equipment,” said Benzaken. “I get feedback, so it makes the development process faster and much more efficient.”

Easy access to a captive population to experiment on allows Israeli weapons manufacturers to market their products as “combat-proven,” a coveted label that gives Israel a competitive edge in the international arms trade. Israel’s suppression technology is then exported to regimes that are similarly invested in subjugating the poor and marginalized.

This dystopian arrangement has paved the way for Israel, a country the size of New Jersey, to rank among the globe’s top five largest arms exporters and to become the world’s number one exporter of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones.


One of the sponsors of this year’s drone conference is G-NIUS. Formed as a joint venture between two of Israel’s largest arms companies — Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) — G-NIUS develops unmanned ground vehicles for the Israeli army.

Thanks to the Gaza assault, G-NIUS can now add “combat-proven” to the resumé of its unmanned Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), which was deployed operationally in Gaza this summer, marking the first time a remote controlled and unmanned APC has ever “participated in combat,” according to Israel Defense.

Those attending the drone conference were scheduled to visit G-NIUS on Monday 15 September to get a first-hand look at the machines used to assist in Gaza’s destruction.

They were also scheduled to visit Israel’s largest developer of military technology, Elbit Systems, which benefited enormously from the summertime offensive.

Elbit’s stock jumped to its highest level since 2010 during the Gaza slaughter, a phenomenon Bloomberg Businessweek attributed to investor speculation that the Haifa-based company would see increasing demand for its products from governments impressed by its blood-soaked performance.

One product likely to use the Gaza bloodshed as a selling point is Elbit’s Hermes 900, which was deployed operationally for the first time during Operation Protective Edge.

The Hermes 900 is a larger and more advanced version of the Hermes 450, an aerial attack and surveillance drone that was used by the Israeli army to deliberately target civilians in Gaza during Israel’s 2008-2009 onslaught, according to Human Rights Watch.

Elbit drones were also used to kill civilians in Israel’s war on Lebanon in 2006, including Red Cross workers, ambulance drivers and dozens of people fleeing their homes for refuge from relentless Israeli bombardment.

Even before it helped Israeli soldiers reduce Gaza to rubble, the Hermes 900 was winning lucrative contracts.

In July, the Swiss government purchased the Hermes 900 system for $280 million. And earlier this year, the Brazilian government purchased a fleet of Hermes drones, including the Hermes 900, to help crush the massive protests that erupted across Brazil against the World Cup.

After participating in Israel’s 51-days of terror on Gaza this summer, the Hermes 900 can join its predecessors in the “combat-proven” camp, which is sure to boost demand.

Also likely to profit from its role in turning Gaza into a graveyard is Elbit’s Skylark mini-UAV, a hand-launched surveillance drone. Though it’s been used in Gaza in the past, Operation Protective Edge was the first time the Skylark was deployed in large numbers to assist the invading ground forces.

Roy Riftin, a general and chief artillery officer in the Israeli army, told Defense News that the Skylark was instrumental in “serving up targets of opportunity” for Israeli gunners.

Weapons testing

Drone makers were’t the only ones to profit from the Gaza massacre.
Mired by debt prior to the Gaza onslaught, Israel Military Industries (IMI) was on life support. The company’s slump was so severe, the Israeli government planned to privatize it by 2016 and was offering $370,000 severance packages to any employee willing to retire early.

But now things are looking up for IMI.

During Israel’s military assault on Gaza, IMI employees worked nonstop to ensure an endless flow of 5.56 mm bullets and Kalanit and Hatzav tank shells to Israeli forces, reported Haaretz.

The Kalanit and Hatzav tank shells detonate in midair, blanketing the people and structures below with deadly bomblets. The Kalanit, an Israeli army favorite, is so popular that it was awarded Israel’s esteemed “Defense Prize” in 2011. Though they have been used in the past, Operation Protective Edge marked the first time the Kalanit and Hatzav shells were deployed on a colossal scale.

IMI also tested several new weapons during the Gaza slaughter, including its MPR-500 multipurpose rigid bomb, a 500-pound precision-guided explosive so powerful it can penetrate a meter of reinforced concrete. After deploying the MPR-500 the first time in an operational capacity against the structures and bodies of the people of Gaza this summer, demand for the bomb skyrocketed, with 5.6 billion shekels ($1.5 billion) worth in back orders in early August.

Getting in on the action

Meanwhile, foreign military contractors are aiming to cash in on the next slaughter.
Doron Shalev, business development manager at BAE Systems Rokar, a subsidiary of the Anglo-American firm BAE Systems that specializes in developing GPS navigation for artillery, is already angling for new business opportunities from the Israeli war machine in the aftermath of the Gaza slaughter.

Writing in Israel Defense, Shalev notes that Israel’s use of indiscriminate artillery, most heavily in the Shujaiya and Rafah areas, provoked the ire of the Obama administration. To avoid a similar “controversy” in a future attack on Lebanon, Shalev suggests Israel invest in the type of navigation systems that he happens to sell, understanding full well that Israel is itching to attack Hezbollah.
“During the last operation, artillery fire was admittedly employed on a relatively large scale, but it is important to bear in mind that it was employed under relatively favorable conditions,” argues Shalev. “It is important to understand that the next conflict will be different and that the Gaza Strip theater is not in any way similar to Lebanon. For this reason, we must ensure that the right lessons are being drawn and that the artillery layout is being prepared effectively for the next challenge rather than for the previous challenge.”

Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest “defense” contractor, is also looking to get in on the action, having just formed a subsidiary inside Israel. “The move is part of a wider push by Lockheed Martin to seek overseas defense contracts amid a slowdown in US military spending,” reported The Wall Street Journal.

Meanwhile, the besieged and devastated Gaza Strip remains buried under four million tons of rubble as the death merchants responsible parade around Israel’s annual drone festival bragging about their successes in an effort to export their products.

War is a racket indeed.


zaterdag 13 september 2014

De illusies van 21 jaar Oslo

Hierna een behartenswaardig artikel van precies één jaar geleden. De 20 jaar werd 21 jaar, en 9 maanden 'Kerry' passeerden.

De illusies van 20 jaar Oslo-onderhandelingen 

Palestina muurTwintig jaar geleden, op 13 september 1993, ondertekenden de Israëlische regering en de Palestijnse Bevrijdingsorganisatie (PLO) in Washington de 'Oslo I-akkoorden', een 'Principeverklaring' voor Palestijns zelfbestuur. Gedurende een vijfjarige overgangsperiode zouden er onderhandelingen volgen die voor een permanente oplossing moesten zorgen voor alle belangrijke knelpunten van het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict.

Het werden langslepende onderhandelingen en terwijl dit 'vredesproces' aan de gang was, breidde Israël in versneld tempo de nederzettingen en bezettingsinfrastructuur verder uit.

Het waren historische beelden: PLO-leider Yasser Arafat en de Israëlisch premier Yitzhak Rabin die elkaar in het bijzijn van de Amerikaanse president Bill Clinton de hand schudden om het Oslo-vredesakkoord te bezegelen. Een jaar later, in 1994, kregen beide heren, samen met Israëlisch minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Shimon Peres, de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede. Het optimisme was heel groot. In het zog van Oslo I kwam er ook een wederzijdse erkenning: de PLO aanvaardde de staat Israël en zweerde het gebruik van geweld af. De Israëlische regering erkende de PLO als de legitieme vertegenwoordiger van het Palestijnse volk.
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Europese diplomaten uiten harde kritiek op Israëlische bezettingspolitiek
De 'Leiders van de EU Missie in Jeruzalem' maakten een opvallend kritisch ontwerprapport 2012 over Jeruzalem. Het lekte in een aantal buitenlandse media, maar in de Belgische pers kreeg het maar weinig aandacht, hoewel het in ongewoon harde bewoordingen uithaalt naar de Israëlische bezettingspolitiek in Oost-Jeruzalem. Het is niet de eerste keer dat Europese diplomaten kritiek uiten aan het adres van Israël, maar hun bezorgdheden over de Palestijnse toekomst van de stad valt doorgaans in Europese dovemansoren. De afgelopen decennia heeft de EU ondanks de voortdurende schendingen van het internationaal recht, de relaties met Israël versterkt en ze zelfs op een geprivilegieerd niveau gebracht.
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Waarom de Palestijns-Israëlische onderhandelingen zullen mislukken

Onder Amerikaanse bemiddeling startten de Israëlische en Palestijnse afgevaardigden eind juli voor het eerst in drie jaar opnieuw met de vredesonderhandelingen die een einde moeten maken aan het decennia oude conflict. Het is niet moeilijk om nu al te voorspellen dat deze nergens zullen toe leiden. Daar zijn verschillende redenen voor.
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De impact van de nederzettingen op de Palestijnse rechten en levenskwaliteit

Het Israëlische beleid om in de bezette gebieden nederzettingen te bouwen leidt tot wijdverbreide schendingen van de mensenrechten en ondermijnt de ontwikkeling van Palestijnse woongemeenschappen. Palestijnse huizen worden gesloopt om plaats te ruimen voor illegale nederzettingen. Hierdoor moeten honderden mensen zich jaarlijks gedwongen verplaatsen. De nederzettingen ontzeggen de Palestijnen hun bewegingsvrijheid en beroven hen van de toegang tot levensnoodzakelijke grondstoffen zoals water en landbouwgrond.
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Britse vakbeweging versterkt campagne voor een vrij Palestina

TUC commits to ‘step up the campaign for a free Palestine': PSC response, 10-9-2014

 The TUC’s commitment to ‘step up the campaign for a free Palestine’, endorsed today at TUC conference, has been welcome by Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC).

In a statement from its General Council, the TUC condemns the ‘collective punishment of the people of Gaza’, and describes Israel’s latest land grab in the West Bank as ‘a shocking provocation’.

The strongly worded statement, which was passed almost unanimously today, says the response of the UK government, the EU and the UN to Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza has been ‘unacceptable’.

  • The TUC has now joined PSC, Amnesty International and other organisations in demanding an immediate end to the UK and EU’s arms trade with Israel.
  • The statement adds: ‘The TUC should, working with the relevant unions, press those companies involved in supporting Israel’s military to cease to do so.’
  • It also reiterates a previous TUC call for the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement ‘until the rights of the Palestinians are established’. This echoes the demand made by PSC.
  • The statement commits the TUC to ‘raise the pressure on corporations complicit in arms trading, the settlements, occupation and the wall’.The TUC’s commitment to ‘step up the campaign for a free Palestine’, endorsed today at TUC conference, has been welcome by Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC).
In a statement from its General Council, the TUC condemns the ‘collective punishment of the people of Gaza’, and describes Israel’s latest land grab in the West Bank as ‘a shocking provocation’.
The strongly worded statement, which was passed almost unanimously today, says the response of the UK government, the EU and the UN to Israel’s 2014 attack on Gaza has been ‘unacceptable’.
The TUC has now joined PSC, Amnesty International and other organisations in demanding an immediate end to the UK and EU’s arms trade with Israel.
The statement adds: ‘The TUC should, working with the relevant unions, press those companies involved in supporting Israel’s military to cease to do so.’
It also reiterates a previous TUC call for the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement ‘until the rights of the Palestinians are established’. This echoes the demand made by PSC.
The statement commits the TUC to ‘raise the pressure on corporations complicit in arms trading, the settlements, occupation and the wall’.
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Zie verder PSC

Vakbondsoproep uit Gaza: Roep Israël ter verantwoording voor misdaden in Gaza, intensiveer BDS!

Een oproep uit Gaza: roep Israël ter verantwoording voor haar misdaden in Gaza, intensiveer BDS!

Het bezette en nog steeds belegerde Gaza, 5 September 2014.

Vanuit de ruïnes van onze dorpen en steden in Gaza, spreken wij onze oprechte waardering uit voor al diegenen die ons bijstonden gedurende het recente Israëlische bloedbad.
Op de Bezette Westelijke Jordaan oever is Israël begonnen met een van de grootste illegale landonteigeningen van de laatste decennia, meer dan 1000 hectare Palestijns land wordt gestolen om de illegale koloniën uit te breiden.

Onze strijd om Israël verantwoordelijk te stellen voor haar recente oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de mensheid begint nu.

De uitkomst van deze strijd voor beëindiging van de Israëlische straffeloosheid zal bepalen of de laatste aanval van Israël alleen een fase is in Israël’s “tussentijdse genocide ‘van de Palestijnen of dat het een keerpunt zal zijn dat een einde zal brengen aan de status van Israël als een entiteit die zich boven de wet stelt- werelds gevaarlijkste paria. De uitkomst van deze strijd hangt af van jou.

Twee maanden na het bloedbad in Gaza in 2008-09 , kreeg Israël als hoofdprijs een upgrade in haar handelsbetrekkingen met de Europese Unie. In 2012 hebben de Westerse mogendheden in samenwerking met de secretaris-generaal van de VN , alle onderzoeken door de Verenigde Naties en het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) naar de oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid die Israël begaan had tijdens deze aanval, effectief voorkomen.

Tijdens het meest recente bloedbad, op 2 Augustus 2014, 3 dagen nadat de bezetters een aangewezen schuilplaats van de Verenigde naties bombardeerden in het Jabalya vluchtelingenkamp, waarbij tijdens hun slaap 20 burgers gedood werden en meer dan 150 mensen verwond, gaf het Amerikaanse Congres haar goedkeuring voor $225.000.000 aan militaire hulp aan Israël.

De dag daarop bombardeerde de bezetter een andere VN schuilplaats in Rafah, waarbij 10 burgers gedood werden en tientallen gewond Ook tijdens dit bloedbad verkocht Duitsland aan Israël een onderzeeër met nucleaire capaciteit en weigerde Groot-Brittannië zijn wapenleveranties aan Israël te bevriezen.

Deze en vele andere vormen van misdadige medeplichtigheid van regeringen en officiële instanties wereldwijd maken de weg vrij voor de constante genocidale aanvallen van Israël. Het is aan de mensen met een geweten en al diegenen die vrede en rechtvaardigheid willen om ervoor te zorgen dat deze medeplichtigheid nu eindigt .

Wij dringen er bij u op aan om samen achter het gehele Palestijnse volk te staan ​​en te eisen dat Israël verantwoordelijk wordt gesteld voor de oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid die zij gepleegd heeft en blijft plegen tegen het Palestijnse volk. Wij verzoeken u dringend om de boycot, desinvestering en sancties (BDS) campagnes te intensiveren en om Israël verder economisch, militair, wetenschappelijk en cultureel te isoleren.

Intensiveer BDS tegen Israël op alle gebieden, inclusief door het nemen van de volgende acties:
  1. Het werken aan de uitvaardiging van arrestatiebevelen tegen de Israëlische oorlogsmisdadigers en hen te laten berechten door uw rechtbanken.
  2. Regeringen onder druk zetten  om Israël een uitgebreid militair embargo op te leggen.
  3. Onder druk zetten van regeringen om alle vrije handel en bilaterale akkoorden met Israël op te schorten totdat deze staat voldoet aan internationale wetgeving.
  4. Het uitstippelen van effectieve directe actie tegen Israël en Israëlische bedrijven, zoals de inspirerende “Block the Boat” acties die Israëlische schepen heeft verhinderd om te lossen in Californië en Seattle, en de bezetting van de Israëlische ‘Elbit Systems ‘ wapen fabrieken in Groot Brittannië en Australië.
  5. Werken binnen de vakbonden om de bewustwording over het Israëlische onderdrukkings regime te verhogen en het invoeren van effectieve BDS maatregelen, zoals het stoppen van afhandeling van Israëlische goederen, het afstoten van fondsen van vakverenigingen uit Israël en medeplichtige bedrijven, en het boycotten van Israël’s medeplichtige vakbonden. De vakbeweging kan bogen op een lange geschiedenis van succesvolle campagnes tegen het apartheids regime in Zuid-Afrika, en het Congres van Zuid-Afrikaanse Vakbonden heeft zich aangesloten bij de Palestijnse vakbonden om te pleiten voor vakbondsactie om de Israëlische straffeloosheid te beëindigen.
  6. Het ter verantwoording roepen van bedrijven en winkelketens die het Israëlische regime van bezetting, kolonialisme en apartheid ondersteunen en ervan profiteren, met inbegrip van een boycot van hun producten en het voeren van creatieve en directe acties. Het Palestijnse BDS National Committee (BNC) heeft een lijst opgesteld van criminele corporaties waar je je op kan richten, te weten
  7. De meerderheid van de mensen in de wereld is langzaam wakker aan het worden en realiseert zich steeds meer wat voor een racistische en onderdrukkende schurkenstaat Israël feitelijk is.
Gedurende de rest van wat geacht wordt het Internationale Jaar van Solidariteit met het Palestijnse volk te zijn, eisen wij een eind aan de straffeloosheid van Israël. Sta samen met Gaza, en neem actie voor vrijheid, gerechtigheid en vrede in Palestina.

Uitgegeven door het Palestijnse BDS National Committee (BNC) en de volgende Gaza organisaties / verenigingen:

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions
University Teachers’ Association in Palestine
Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (Umbrella for 133 orgs)
Medical Democratic Assembly
General Union of Palestine Workers
General Union for Health Services Workers
General Union for Public Services Workers
General Union for Petrochemical and Gas Workers
General Union for Agricultural Workers
Union of Women’s Work Committees
Pal-Cinema (Palestine Cinema Forum)
Herak Youth Movement
Union of Women’s Struggle Committees
Union of Synergies—Women Unit
Union of Palestinian Women Committees
Women’s Studies Society
Working Woman’s Society
Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel
Gaza BDS Working Group
One Democratic State Group

Vertaling door docP

FNV gaat steviger voor Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Beleggen

Wesam Ahmed van de Palestijnse mensenrechten-organisatie Al-Haq (*) sprak op 11 september de Bondsraad van AbvaKabo FNV toe en dankte allereerst voor de steun aan het humanitaire fonds voor de slachtoffers in Gaza (zie Steun Gaza, doe een donatie).

Daarna pleitte hij voor het aanwenden van alle mogelijke vakbondsinvloed inzake 'socially responsible investments', voor goed bewustzijn omtrent welke invloed beleggingen (voor pensioenen bijvoorbeeld) hebben op samenlevingen elders op de wereld, in onze 'Global Society'. En voor wat betreft Palestina betekent dat het letten op de Israelische banken die de Israelische nederzettingen faciliteren: 'which 'side are you on?' is dan de vraag die je hebt te beantwoorden.

Na de speech van Wesam Ahmed besloot de Bondsraad unaniem het ABP opnieuw (#) per brief op te roepen te stoppen met beleggingen in de bezettings-medeplichtige Israelische banken.
Goed hierbij te weten dat MVO - Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen - voor de vakbeweging vanzelfsprekend is, en dat in alertheid op dat punt een taak ligt voor leden en kaderleden van de bond (aanbestedingen, eigen organisatie).   

Wesam Ahmed met dagelijks bestuur AbvaKabo FNV.

De dag ervoor met FNV-voorzitter Ton Heerts in De Burcht te Amsterdam. Wesam was in februari door de FNV-delegatie in Palestina uitgenodigd.


Al-Haq ontving in 2009 tezamen met de Israelische mensenrechtenorganisatie B'Tselem in Vlaardingen de Geuzenpenning uit handen van de Haagse burgemeester Van Aartsen.
Zie daarover Verzetsmuseum over Geuzenpenning 2009
en Al Haq in Geuzenpenning-prize 2009
en Trouw 13-3-2009: Al-Haq en B-Tselem krijgen Geuzenpenning

Zie voorts van Al Haq's directeur Shawan Jabarin op 25 juli 2014:
Palestinian natural resources lie beneath this terrible conflict

Na ABP legt brief Tutu naast zich neer en een brief van het bestuur begin 2014.

donderdag 4 september 2014

Herbouw Gaza kost 7,8 miljard dollar

Report: Rebuilding Gaza to cost $7.8 billion, 04/09/2014
A Palestinian man sweeps the floor of his home that was damaged by an
Israeli airstrike on Aug. 25, 2014 in Beit Lahiya (AFP/File Roberto Schmidt)
GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The reconstruction of the Gaza Strip will cost $7.8 billion, Palestinian experts said in a report Thursday, as the Palestinian labor minister said 100,000 jobs could be created in Gaza if Israel held to its promise to end its siege within the month.

The Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction, a Palestinian Authority body that oversees the implementation of donor-financed projects, said the process would take "five years if Israel removed its blockade over Gaza entirely."

Direct losses were estimated at $4.4 billion, while a budget of $3.02 billion was set for the development needs of the Gaza strip which include a seaport and a water desalination plant.

The 200-page document set a strategy to relief the people of Gaza and link that to the sustainable development that will help reduce unemployment and poverty.

The document recommended that for the rebuilding to run smoothly several conditions should be met, including completely lifting the eight-year old Israeli siege and allowing freedom of movement.

Since 2006, Gaza has been subject to a joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade that severely limits all imports and exports, including the entry of construction materials.

Israeli promised to ease these restrictions in a ceasefire recently signed in Cairo, but no such materials have yet been let in through Gaza's border crossings with Israel.

The besieged coastal enclave, home to 1.8 million people and bordered by Israel and Egypt, was ravaged between July 8 and August 26 in its third war in six years.

The Israeli assault cost the lives of more than 2,150 Gazans, destroyed thousands of homes, severely damaged the enclave's sole power plant, and burnt dozens of factories.

The document said over 60,000 housing units were damaged including 20,000 left uninhabitable causing losses of $1.38 billion.

But the 1.8 million-2.2 million tonnes of debris estimated to have resulted from the destruction of buildings could also be used to help rebuild and possible expand the territory into the sea, according to the report by 13 Palestinian experts.

The losses of the education sector were estimated at $55 million, the health sector at $90 million, the energy sector at $54 million, the economic sector at $200 million, the agricultural sector at $250 million, the culture and tourism sector at $20 million each, the community sector at $30 million, and infrastructure at $180 million.

The report estimated the indirect losses caused by the assault at $2 billion.

A conference of international donors for the reconstruction of Gaza is set to take place later in the month in either Egypt or Norway.

'100,000 jobs'

Minister of Labor Mamoun Abu Shahla said on Thursday that the opening of all crossings into Gaza for just one month could provide over 100,000 jobs for Palestinians in Gaza.

Abu Shahla said that the government will be able to provide job opportunities once the crossings are opened, but if Israel failed to lift the siege the situation in the enclave -- where he said poverty has reached 55 percent -- would stay the same.

"In 15 to 20 years, the construction will be done if 100 trucks enter Kerem Shalom (crossing) daily," he said.

"This is unacceptable and irrational. We demand that Ban Ki Moon and international organizations play their role in rebuilding Gaza in a short period," adding that the crossings must be opened completely to allow Palestinians to rebuild.

Abu Shahla told Ma'an that of the more than 450,000 forced out of their homes during the offensive, 58,000 remain in school shelters after their homes were destroyed.

He said the government is trying to provide 10,000 motor homes equipped with water and electricity to place beside destroyed houses during reconstruction.

Abu Shahla added that 15-20 camps with 500 housing units each will be built.

AFP contributed to this report. 
From  Ma'an News