maandag 9 juli 2012

Vakbonden in VK over gevangen Palestijnse kinderen

UK unions call for an end to the forcible transfer of Palestinian children
  • On 25 June 2012, two unions wrote to the UK’s Foreign Secretary requesting his urgent intervention to prevent the forcible transfer of Palestinian children to prisons inside Israel in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
  • In a further development, on 27 June 2012, the UK’s largest union, UNITE, voted to campaign on behalf of Palestinian child prisoners.
Zie UK Unions call for an end to forcible transfer of Palestinian children

zaterdag 7 juli 2012

Israël belet Palestijnse ontwikkeling in de Jordaanvallei

BRUSSEL , 6 juli 2012 (MO)
De Jordaanvallei komt steeds meer in handen van Israël. Palestijnse gebouwen worden massaal gesloopt om militaire oefenterreinen aan te leggen. Dat bevestigt een verslag van Oxfam. Veel Palestijnen verliezen hun huis en krijgen geen kansen om zich te ontwikkelen.

Volgens het Oxfamverslag dat op 5 juli openbaar is gemaakt, zijn de gevolgen van het Israëlisch nederzettingenbeleid steeds dramatischer voor de Palestijnse bevolking. Ondertussen zou slechts 6% van de Jordaanvallei nog een leefbaar gebied vormen voor hen. De rest valt onder strenge militaire controle die de overige 62 Palestijnse gemeenschappen verhindert zich te ontwikkelen.

Lees verder Israel belet Palestijnse ontwikkeling in de Jordaanvallei, en Oxfam-Novib-bericht.

Hier het rapport plus de aanbevelingen !

As Israel’s largest trading partner and the biggest donor to the Palestinians, the European Union should:
  • Move beyond statements and take urgent action to press the Government of Israel to end the construction of settlements and comply with its responsibilities under international law, in line with the 2004 Advisory Opinion given by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legal consequences of the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which the EU has endorsed.
  • Take immediate steps to ensure the implementation of the May 2012 EU Foreign Affairs Council conclusions and the recommendations of the recent EU Heads of Diplomatic Mission reports on Area C and East Jerusalem.
  • Press for conditions that will allow for the full implementation of the EU–Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Association Agreement, which provides real opportunities for Palestinian produce to access European markets, including urgently pushing for an end to Israeli restrictions on the movement and transport of goods.
  • In the absence of an Israeli planning regime which seeks to alleviate poverty amongst the Palestinian population, initiate and support development projects in the Jordan Valley and other parts of Area C, including building new schools, community centers, clinics, municipal buildings, roads, irrigation, and other infrastructure projects.