zondag 24 februari 2013

John Dugard in NRC: Nederzettingenbeleid is pure apartheid

Op 31 januari 2013 presenteerde een onafhankelijke Fact Finding Missie van de Verenigde Naties een belangwekkend rapport over het Israëlische nederzettingenbeleid. Dit rapport bevestigt wat al enige tijd werd aangenomen: het nederzettingenproject valt niet te onderscheiden van de apartheid die in Zuid-Afrika werd toegepast.

Zie verder: nederzettingenbeleid is pure apartheid

Prof. John Dugard was hoogleraar internationaal recht aan de universiteiten van Leiden en Pretoria en Speciaal VN-Rapporteur voor de mensenrechten in de bezette Palestijnse gebieden.

Israël verwoest alweer oogst en bomen in Gaza

Israeli tanks breach the truce in Gaza 24Feb13 February 24, 2013

MEMO-Middle East Monitor     -     23 February 2013
israeli-bulldozerIsraeli occupation forces carried out on Thursday morning a limited invasion into the Khoza’a neighbourhood to the east of Khan Younis city.
According to eyewitnesses, several Israeli tanks accompanied by seven bulldozers penetrated about 300 metres deep into the Palestinian farms adjacent to the border in the area.
The bulldozers uprooted a number of trees and caused extensive damage to the Palestinian farms, particularly the wheat and barley crops. Sporadic shots were heard in the area, but no casualties were reported.
Local sources said that this invasion is the third in 24 hours. According to the sources, a similar number of Israeli tanks and bulldozers entered the same area yesterday morning with tanks and bulldozers. That coincided with an incursion into the eastern area of Jabalia city, north of the Gaza Strip. There, the Israelis also levelled Palestinian farms and uprooted a large number of trees.
Bron: Israeli tanks breach the truce in Gaza 24-2-2013