donderdag 22 november 2012

Geslaagde Palestinaconferentie van ABVAKABO FNV

Op maandag 12 november hield ABVAKABO FNV in De Burcht te Amsterdam een geslaagde Palestina-conferentie om te leren van de vakbeweging in Engeland en België. Steviger internationale solidariteit door leerzame internationale ervaringen uit te wisselen.

De centrale en inspirerende spreker was Hugh Lanning van de zusterbond PCS (Public and Commercial Services Union), hier met bondsvoorzitter Corrie van Brenk.

Koen Vanbrabandt van de Belgische ABVV (de Algemene Centrale-ABVV, één der ABVV-bonden) gaf een reeks aan AC-ABVV-activiteiten door. Regelmatig met delegaties Palestina bezoeken is al jaren praktijk bij PCS en bij AC-ABVV, zo viel sowieso te leren. Meer volgt. 
De vakbondshistorische ruimte van De Burcht bracht belangrijke vakbondseigenschappen in herinnering.

PSI riep Hamas en Israel op tot bestand

Zie hier de PSI Bestandsoproep waarin ook wordt aangegeven dat een bestand niet genoeg is. Inmiddels kwam het tot een bestand in de avond van 21 november. Over de mensenrechtensituatie in Gaza is de welbekende site van PCHR Gaza een goede bron.

Helaas zegt de PSI-oproep niets over de blokkade van de Gazastrook en de specifiek door de vakbeweging mogelijk te vervullen rol. Veel van de door Israel gebombardeerde 'targets in Gaza' behoren bij Public Services waarin overheidsfunctionarissen werken, of werkten.

Naar verwachting zal het komend PSI-wereldcongres in Durban (Zuid-Afrika) het onder andere hierover wel hebben eind november. Er liggen daar al Palestinaresoluties ter tafel die ondermeer het 'niet investeren in de bezettingspolitiek' tot thema hebben, in lijn met ABVAKABO-FNV's MVO-beleid inzake Palestina-Israel.

ABVAKABO is op het PSI-congres vertegenwoordigd door bondsvoorzitter Corrie van Brenk, Meindert van den Berg (bondspenningmeester met portefeuille internationale zaken), George de Roos (beleidsadviseur internationale zaken) en de leden Cynthia Dunnebier en Anita van Mele.

zaterdag 17 november 2012

TRADING AWAY PEACE: How Europe helps sustain illegal Israeli settlements

Tuesday, 06 November 2012

Date of Publication: 30 October 2012
The October 2012 report titled “TRADING AWAY PEACE: How Europe helps sustain illegal Israeli settlementsis the result of a joint project of 22 organizations, including International Federation for Human Rights, Norwegian People’s Aid, Medical Aid for Palestinians. By providing details of involvement of European companies, the report shows how Europe facilitates the entrenchment and growth of the illegal Israeli settlements through the economic cooperation. It also outlines the effects of the Israeli settlements on Palestinians, explains why the settlements are illegal, highlights the restrictions on Palestinian economy and trade, discloses European corporate and political links with the settlements, analyses European policies with regard to the settlements, and in the end recommends a range of concrete and feasible measures to bring the actions of national governments and the European Union in line with their position on the illegality of the settlements.
Bron: PCHR Gaza


The UN publishes a report on settlements’ industry, based on Who Profits data

On October 25th, the United Nations published a press release, which presented a special report on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories. The report was submitted by the United Nations independent expert, Richard Falk to the UN General Assembly. Its main conclusion was that “all companies that operate in or otherwise have dealings with Israeli settlements should be boycotted, until such time as they bring their operations fully into line with international human rights standards and practice” (section 91, Page 24).

The report addresses Israel’s compliance with its obligations under international law in relation to its occupation of Palestinia­n territory. It highlights the legal responsibility of corporations and “non-State” actors operating in Israel’s settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. The situation is illustrated in the report through 13 case studies of international and Israeli companies: Caterpillar, Veolia, G4S, Dexia Group, Ahava, Volvo Group, Riwal Holding Group, Elbit Systems, Hewlett Packard, Mehadrin, Motorola, Assa Abloy and Cemex. The special rapporteur, Falk, suggests several recommendations to the civil society, the government of Israel, the involved companies, the international community and other bodies, in order to insure the implementation of international law in the occupied territories (pages 24-25).

A considerable part of the information in the report is based on Who Profits’ publications such as the online database, updates and in-depth reports. ‘Who Profits’ will continue to investigate the commercial activities of international and Israeli companies in the occupation and publish its findings worldwide, in hope to further stimulate candid public debates concerning the economic effects of the occupation.

The full report in English | The full report in Arabic.
