maandag 27 juni 2011

Bondsraad 23-6-2011 - Internationale Solidariteit

ABVAKABO's Bondsraad van 23 juni had Internationale Zaken op de agenda, maar dat kwam helaas  niet aan de orde door (nogal logisch) een uitgebreide pensioen-discussie. Het thema is verschoven naar een volgende Bondsraad. Zie de stukken: een overzicht internationale zaken en een concept-verslag Internationale Solidariteitsdag van 30-10-2010, een werkdocument dat nog wijzigingen heeft ondergaan bij onder andere de bestuursreacties.
Vanuit de Palestinawerkgroep i.s.m. de afdeling Delft werden twee moties ingebracht; de eerste over het instellen van een Adviescommissie Internationale Zaken om Raad en Bestuur te adviseren en de vereniging beter te betrekken, de tweede over MVO (Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen). Teksten in bijlage; ook het bespreken van die moties is dus verschoven.
Bert Giskes bemenste (in actieshirt ‘Koop geen Israelische Apartheid’) een infostand met focus op FNV Mondiaal en op de zaak van Gertrude Hambira (GAPWUZ).
De MVO-motie paste goed bij de wereldwijde QPS-actiedag 23 juni, een actiedag voor de publieke dienstverlening.
Over de in de Bondsraad van 29 maart gevraagde aandacht voor gevangenen als Bassem Tamimi en voor bedreigd stakingsrecht in Egypte horen we nog.
Goed te herinneren dat zowel op de solidariteitsdag van 30 maart als in het zgn. Athens Manifesto wordt gepleit voor meer en betere samenwerking als vakbeweging met ‘allies in civil society’. Op dat punt kunnen we wellicht leren van andere vakbondsculturen t/m de Arabische met Tahrirpleinen aan toe.


ABVAKABO FNV – Bondsraad 23-6-2011 – Motie Adviescommissie Internationale Zaken
De Bondsraad van ABVAKABO FNV bijeen op 23 juni 2011 in Utrecht
overwegende dat
-       voor de vakbond – zeker in deze tijd - internationaal beleid van groot belang is
-       bespreking van dergelijk beleid een duidelijke plaats moet krijgen in de bondsstructuur
stelt vast dat
-       internationaal beleid op dit moment niet die aandacht krijgt die het verdient
-       inbreng in internationaal beleid op internationale conferenties niet in de vereniging wordt voorbereid
besluit conform haar recht commissies en werkgroepen in te stellen (art. 23 g+a)
-       een Adviescommissie Internationale Zaken (IZAC) in te stellen die Bondsraad en Bondsbestuur gevraagd en ongevraagd adviseert

-       deze adviescommissie te laten bestaan uit leden van de Bondsraad (maximaal 9) en die leden op een volgende Bondsraad uit haar midden te kiezen

draagt het Bondsbestuur op
-       deze adviescommissie te faciliteren en op regelmatige basis bijeen te laten komen met de portefeuillehouder Internationale Zaken uit het Bondsbestuur
-       voorafgaand aan besluitvorming over internationale zaken advies in te winnen bij deze commissie
En gaat over tot de orde van de dag. 

Versie 22-6-2011


ABVAKABO FNV – Bondsraad 23-6-2011 – Motie Internationale Solidariteit, MVO
De Bondsraad van ABVAKABO FNV bijeen op 23 juni 2011 in Utrecht
Gelet op
-       Het verslag van de Internationale Solidariteitsdag van 30 oktober 2010 met het daarin door het bondsbestuur nogmaals herbevestigde bondsbeleidspunt inzake ‘tegengaan van investeren in bedrijven die profiteren van de Israelische bezettingspolitiek’ (MVO)
-       De aangehouden MVO-motie van 24-11-2009 plus vervolgcorrespondentie van maart/april 2010 (1) over  ‘bezettingsvrij beleggingsbeleid van pensioenfondsen’ (focus op ABP en PFZW met o.a. de Veolia-casus)
-       De IVV-resolutie uit juni 2010 waarin 2011 benoemd wordt als ‘year of action for Peace between Israel and Palestine’ (2) en het feit dat het nu halverwege 2011 is
Inmiddels ook opmerkend dat
-       bij aanbestedingen in het Openbaar Vervoer bedrijven meedingen die profiteren van de bezetting, zoals in de regio Nijmegen en Arnhem Veolia via haar dochter Hermes (3)
-       elders dergelijke bedrijven - Veolia en ook Egged (4) - reeds OV-concessies hebben verworven
Verzoekt het bondsbestuur
-       nu snel richting bondsraad te reageren op voornoemde MVO-correspondentie
Spreekt uit
-       dat de bond uiteraard primair als bondsstreven heeft om privatiseringen in het OV tegen te gaan conform de wereldwijde QPS-campagne (Quality Public Services conference October 2010, Athens Manifesto) 
-       daar bovenop alles in het werk moet stellen om OV-concessies zeker niet terecht te laten komen bij bedrijven die profiteren van de bezetting
-       en te (laten) onderzoeken of verleende concessies aan dergelijke bedrijven kunnen worden ontbonden

Verzoekt het bondsbestuur tevens voornoemde MVO-punten in internationaal verband aan te kaarten dan wel te steunen en gaat over tot de orde van de dag.

Brief 20-4-2010 aan Bondsbestuur ABVAKABO FNV over MVO en beleggingsbeleid pensioenfondsen
       (Niet investeren in “de bezetting” door Israel – motie 2 van 24-11-2009)

(3)  Actie in stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen: Geen OV-concessie naar bezettings-medeplichtigen

       Egged Israel Transport Cooperative Society

                                                  Versie 22-6-2011

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

EU-zorg over vervolging van Bassem Tamimi en andere Palestijnse mensenrechtenverdedigers

Zie European Union expresses concern over the persecution of Bassim Tamimi

.... The Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations Office in Geneva officially said on behalf of the EU that "The rights of Israeli and Palestinian Human Rights Defenders protesting peacefully against settlements and the separation barrier are severely curtailed. While the EU welcomed before this Council in March the release of Abdallah Abu Rahma, the EU is concerned that other human rights defenders continue to be detained for their non violent protests. The EU is observing the trial, which opened on 5 June before an Israeli military court, of Bassem Tamimi, an activist of the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh affected by the illegal settlement expansion. The EU is also concerned by reports that journalists in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are exposed to severe harassment as this affects negatively the right to freedom of expression. Impunity for such acts is unacceptable." ...

... Mohammed Khatib, coordinator of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee said, "As September gets nearer and nearer and attack on the Palestinian popular struggle intensify, the world must make clear to Israel that just like neighboring Arab regimes, it too will not be allowed to crack down on civil resistance. This is an important step, but I am afraid the international community will have to take much stronger steps to assist us in achieving our freedom". ...
De - internationale - vakbeweging hoort zich in deze ook sterker in te zetten. Deze casus werd eerder aangekaart in ABVAKABO's Bondsraad van 29 maart 2011.

Zie hierbij de IVV-resolutie van juni 2010.

donderdag 16 juni 2011

VN-rapport uitgebracht over werkloosheid in Gaza-strook

De werkloosheid behoort tot de hoogste ter wereld: 45%. Door de Israelische blokkade, aldus UNRWA in haar 'Gaza blockade anniversary report'. Tegelijkertijd groeit de publieke sector. Die Gaza blokkade gaat het vijfde jaar in.
Zie ook Hoe het is in Gaza door Anja Meulenbelt, de UNRWA-rapportage en een 'samenvatting' door de cartoonist van De Pers.
Op 29 maart schreef Inge Neefs vanuit Gaza Kief Gaza?, over de situatie anno 2011 ter plaatse.

maandag 13 juni 2011

Steun de Gazavloot (oproep uit de Gaza-strook)

Hier de oproep:
A call from Gaza in support of the Freedom Flotilla II, 12-6-2011: We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, five years after closures began on Gaza , are saying enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the full siege on the Gaza Strip must end.......

Zie het grote aantal organisaties (*) dat deze oproep doet. Veel van die organisaties zijn vakbonden of vakbondsachtige organisaties.

Zie aanvullend over werken in de Gazastrook

Fishing Under Fire en Farming Under Fire

Over de actuele medische situatie

Dialysis patients at high risk amid gaza drug shortage, 12-6-2011
... Dialysis patients in the Gaza Strip are at high risk as the medical supply crisis maintains a standstill, warned Adham Abu Salmiyya, the Strip’s supreme emergency committee spokesman, on Sunday.
With a shortage in 180 essential medical items and some 200 medical disposables, the decline could lead to the deaths of many of Gaza’s patients, Abu Salmiyya said while touring the Strip’s nearly empty warehouses....

Gaza Medical Crisis 'unprecedented', 11-6-2011
... Hospitals in the Gaza Strip are suffering a critical shortage of medicine and medical supplies, Hamas Health Minister Bassem Naem said Saturday. ...

Dat alles aan oproepen en berichten, bovenop de bekende grote stapel aan rapporten (VN, Rode Kruis, Mensenrechtenorganisaties, ...), sinds jaar en dag......

University Teachers’ Association,
Palestinian Nongovernmental Organizations  Network
Al-Aqsa University
Palestine Red Crescent Society in Gaza
General Union of Youth Entities
Arab Cultural Forum
General Union for Health Services Workers
General Union for Public Services Workers
General Union for Petrochemical and Gas Workers
General Union for Agricultural Workers
Union of Women’s Work Committees
Union of Synergies—Women Unit
Union of Palestinian Women Committees
Women’s Studies Society
Working Woman’s Society
Palestinian Students’ Campaign for the Academic Boycott of Israel
One Democratic State Group
Palestinian Youth against Apartheid
Association of Al-Quds Bank for Culture and Info
Palestine Sailing Federation
Palestinian Association for Fishing and Maritime
Palestinian Women Committees
Progressive Students Union
Medical Relief Society
The General Society for Rehabilitation
Afaq Jadeeda Cultural Centre for Women and Children
Deir Al-Balah Cultural Centre for Women and Children
Maghazi Cultural Centre for Children
Al-Sahel Centre for Women and Youth
Ghassan Kanfani Kindergartens
Rachel Corrie Centre, Rafah
Rafah Olympia City Sisters
Al Awda Centre,
Rafah Al Awda Hospital,
Jabaliya Camp Ajyal Association,
GazaGeneral Union of Palestinian Syndicates
Al Karmel Centre,
Nuseirat Local Initiative,
Beit Hanoun Union of Health Work Committees
Red Crescent Society Gaza Strip
Beit Lahiya Cultural Centre
Al Awda Centre, Rafah
Al-Quds Bank for Culture and Information Society
women section -union of Palestinian workers  syndicate
Middle East Childrens’  Alliance -Gaza
Local Initiative -Beit Hanoun

donderdag 9 juni 2011

Actie in stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen: Geen OV-concessie naar bezettings-medeplichtigen

Dagblad De Gelderlander 9 juni 2011:
NIJMEGEN - Stadsregio Arnhem Nijmegen moet vervoersbedrijf Hermes buitenspel zetten en niet laten meedingen naar het openbaar vervoer in de regio. Dat bepleit de mensenrechtenactiviste Adri Nieuwhof. Ze vindt dat Hermes moet worden gestraft voor werkzaamheden van moederconcern VeoliaTransdev in de westelijke Jordaanoever. Zie Zet Hermes buitenspel voor het hele bericht.

Vakbondsbeleid is om medeplichtigheid aan de Israelische bezettingspolitiek waar mogelijk tegen te gaan in het kader van MVO (Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen). Logisch is dus dat vakbondsgroepen en/of kaderleden acties, zoals hier gevoerd, ondersteunen en ook zelf doen door concessie-verlenende overheden te wijzen op hun MVO-verantwoordelijkheid. Er mogen geen zaken worden gedaan met bedrijven die het internationaal recht buitenspel zetten. Creatieve acties zijn daarbij altijd mogelijk en nuttig, zeker daar het OV überhaupt bedreigd wordt.

Zie hierbij ook  Viceversaonline: busbedrijf veolia schendt gedragscode en Indymedia: Hermes is deel VeoliaTransdev.

woensdag 8 juni 2011

Bassem Tamimi uit Nabi Saleh beschuldigt Israelische rechter van illegaal handelen

West Bank Protest Organizer, Bassem Tamimi, to Judge: “Your Military Laws Are Non-Legit. Our Peaceful Protest is Just”, 6-6-2011

Bron en volledig artikel: West-Bank protest organizer Bassem Tamimi to judge

Lees ook hoe het Israelische leger de wekelijkse demonstratie op vrijdag 3 juni aanviel, en hoe de bezettingspolitiek - letterlijk - stinkt: Nabi Saleh suffers another chemical attack

vrijdag 3 juni 2011

Verklaring Britse Universiteitsvakbond UCU over Palestina, 29 mei 2011

University and College Union (UCU) in the United Kingdom Passes Key Motions on Palestine
[image depicting] UCU - University and College Union logo

On May 29-30, 2011, the University and College Union (UCU), which is “the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in further and higher education throughout the UK” [1], held its annual congress.  In keeping with its tradition of support for Palestinian rights and in maintaining effective pressure on Israel to abide by international law, the UCU congress adopted the following motions:
36 Composite: Threats to academic freedom in Israel and Palestine - National Executive Committee, LSE
Congress notes:
  1. Israel's continued illegal occupation of Palestine and daily oppression of Palestinian teachers and students
  2. the restrictions on the free movement of Palestinian Academics within the Occupied Territories and crossing between the Territories and Israel and on foreign travel
  3. Israel's ongoing construction of settlements
  4. the current witch-hunting of Israeli academics, civil rights campaigners and NGOs who are deemed to be damaging Israel's economic interests by their political activities
  5. the recent alarming moves in the Israeli Knesset to penalise Israeli academics who support boycott action or even just provide information which may assist boycotts; this law will lay academics open to fines of £5000 with 'no need to demonstrate that injury was done' and to unlimited damages if losses are caused.
  6. the petition from 155 Israeli academics expressing their 'unwillingness to take part in any type of academic activity taking place in the college operating in the settlement of Ariel', calling Ariel an illegal settlement whose existence contravenes international law and the Geneva Convention.
Congress deplores these attacks on the academic freedom of our Palestinian and Israeli colleagues.
Congress instructs NEC to:
  1. circulate to all members
    • the call by the Israeli academics
    • the PACBI call for academic and cultural boycott of Israel
    • information about the current legislation passing through the Knesset threatening heavy fines and other penalties on Israelis taking non-violent action against the occupation.
  2. seek a delegation to meet the Israeli Ambassador to raise our concerns
  3. press the Foreign Office to protest to the Israeli Government
  4. raise the issue with Education International and press them to seek similar action by all affiliates
  5. publicise these threats and our actions in response.

B27 Detention of Ahmad Qatamesh by Israeli security forces - National Executive Committee
Congress notes with dismay that:
  • Palestinian academic and writer Ahmad Qatamesh was arrested by Israeli security forces on 21 April from his brother's home in Ramallah
  • Qatamesh's wife, her daughter, her sister and her young niece were held as hostages in their home until Qatamesh was arrested
  • Qatamesh is now being held as an administrative detainee, allowing him to be detained indefinitely without charge.
Congress expresses its condemnation of this fundamental breach of human rights, instructs the General Secretary to raise the matter urgently with the FCO and the Israeli Embassy, and agrees to circulate the Amnesty appeal for Dr Qatamesh to all members, urging them to write to MPs and the Israeli embassy calling for Qatamesh to be either released or charged and given a fair trial.
Congress further instructs the General Secretary to call on the Israeli authorities to end the use of administrative detention.

70 EUMC working definition of anti-semitism - National Executive Committee
Congress notes with concern that the so-called 'EUMC working definition of antisemitism', while not adopted by the EU or the UK government and having no official status, is being used by bodies such as the NUS and local student unions in relation to activities on campus.
Congress believes that the EUMC definition confuses criticism of Israeli government policy and actions with genuine antisemitism, and is being used to silence debate about Israel and Palestine on campus.
Congress resolves:
  1. that UCU will make no use of the EUMC definition (e.g. in educating members or dealing with internal complaints)
  2. that UCU will dissociate itself from the EUMC definition in any public discussion on the matter in which UCU is involved
  3. that UCU will campaign for open debate on campus concerning Israel's past history and current policy, while continuing to combat all forms of racial or religious discrimination.


donderdag 2 juni 2011

Verklaring Britse Vakbondsdelegatie na Palestina-bezoek 17-22 april 2011

Statement of UK trade union delegation to Palestine
17-22 April 2011

The delegation of Senior UK Trade Unionists listed below visited Palestine between17-22 April 2011. The delegation met with/witnessed:

  • The dramatic extent of illegal settlement building in East Jerusalem and the victims of forced evictions;
  • Members of the Palestinian Assembly who are currently under house arrest and have taken refuge at the Red Cross Centre in Jerusalem;
  • The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Palestinian Occupied Territories;
  • A senior lawyer from the Campaign for the Defence of Children who is dealing with some 300 cases of children detained by the Israeli authorities;
  • The illegal Israeli settlements in the centre of the Palestinian city of Hebron and the massive disruption and intimidation they bring to Palestinian residents of the city;  
  • Officials of an Israeli based workers rights organisation - Kav La Oved - that aims to publicise the worst abuses of Palestinian workers rights in companies in the settlements;
  • An Arab-Israeli Member of the Knesset - the Israeli Parliament;
  • An economics Professor from Bir Zeit University who explained the desperate economic situation of the West Bank and Gaza;
  • High level representatives of  the Palestine Liberation Organisation;
  • Victims of settlements expansion in Nabih Saleh (including former child detainees) who are having their land taken away and access restricted;
  • The Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU);
  • Refugees from different camps in Nablus;
  • A range of Non-Governmental Organisations - including Stop the Wall and the Boycott National Committee (BNC).
The delegation was deeply concerned about the testimonies and accounts they heard. It is difficult to capture adequately in words the extreme shock and anguish felt when a family shows video details of the violence and repression it has been subjected to for simply trying to access its own lands. It is also difficult to express the shock one experiences when first witnessing the sinister and brutal nature of The Israeli Separation Wall, a Wall that continues to be constructed on Palestinian lands, that continues to divide and effectively imprison Palestinian communities, and causes massive disruption to the lives and economy of the Palestinians. It is no less shocking to witness and experience the continuing and dramatic expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, the enormous pressure on Arab-Israeli citizens to vacate East Jerusalem, and the massive illegal use of the Jordan Valley by Israeli settlers to produce agricultural products.

Based on the evidence it has seen the delegation can only conclude that Israeli actions demonstrate no intention of complying with UN Resolutions 242 or 446, and therefore no intention of stopping the expansion of illegal settlements, ending the occupation, and respecting the human and civil rights of the Palestinian people. As a consequence, in relation to trade union actions and activities concerning the Israel-Palestinian situation, the delegation wishes to impress the following points on the TUC, as well as all other national and international trade union organisations:

  • The TUC position as defined in the 2010 Congress motion is absolutely correct and justified in calling for a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign of complicit firms. The failure to halt the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and the collapse of negotiations with the Palestinian Authorities, leaves an effective BDS campaign as virtually the only viable option for building international pressure to bring about a change in the situation;
  • The TUC should re-emphasise its support for the BDS position by writing to all national centres - including Histradut and the PGFTU - with a copy of the 2010 motion. The TUC should call again on all its affiliates and allies to maximise their efforts in pursuit of establishing a pro-BDS position in the European and Global Union Federations. The TUC should also raise the issue with the European TUC by calling on it to support the international BDS campaign and pressing the EU institutions to end the EU-Israel regime of trade privileges until the situation is resolved;
  • The TUC must be extremely cautious not to inadvertently legitimise a continuation of the current situation in Palestine through any actions it may undertake to implement the 2010 ITUC Congress motion. The April 20th statement made by the PGFTU removes any doubt about its support for the BDS campaign. In light of the deteriorating situation and the end of the Israel-Palestinian Authority negotiations, together with the strong statement made by the PGFTU, the TUC should call upon the ITUC to re-examine and re-debate its position in the light of changing circumstances prior to taking any actions to implement the ITUC 2010 motion;
  • The PGFTU is operating under enormous pressure and constraints and unions should therefore seek to engage with the widest range of Palestinian unions and NGOs possible, in order to ensure the broadest possible range of engagement with Palestinian civil society. A conference aimed at bringing together all BDS supporting trade unions - including the PGFTU - with the aim of creating one common position, took place in Ramallah on 30th April 2011. The delegation strongly welcomes this initiative, and will seek to engage and work with all involved in the new umbrella coalition.
  • There will be no just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians until Israel's behaviour changes and the human and civil rights of all Palestinians are respected. Following the most recent collapse of negotiations Palestinian civil society is increasingly speaking with one voice and is now clearly calling for a concerted international BDS campaign as the most effective way of maximising pressure for Israel to change its behaviour. It is therefore incumbent on trade unions outside of Israel to maximise their efforts in support of the BDS campaign in order to bring a just and lasting peace to the region.
Stephen Cavalier - CEO Thompsons Solicitors

Gerry Doherty - General Secretary TSSA

Simon Dubbins - Director International Department, UNITE the Union

Garry Hassell - Executive RMT

Shaun Hoyle - Executive RMT

Hugh Lanning - Chair PSC and Deputy General Secretary PCS

Jonathan Ledger - General Secretary NAPO

Bron: UK TU-Statement on Palestine