vrijdag 25 april 2014

NUT (Lerarenbond VK) over Palestina en breder internationaal

Mailbericht PSC uit het VK:

Palestine takes centre stage at NUT Conference Report from Prof Kamel Hawwash, Vice Chair PSC.
Over 1000 members of the National Teachers Union (NUT) met in Brighton over the Easter weekend for their annual conference. The main international issue featured throughout the weekend was solidarity with Palestine, with speakers, events and a motion in support of Palestinian Human Rights and the work of PSC.

Prof Kamel Hawwash and Bernard Regan, both members of the PSC National Executive committee, spoke at the event, to highlight Israel’s ongoing abuses and breaches of International Law. One aspect which featured prominently was the treatment of Palestinian children at the hands of the Israeli Army and authorities, particularly children detained in Israeli military prisons. On Sunday morning Palestine was the main international issue of the conference, with an hour dedicated to the report from the NUT Delegation to Palestine last October, a live Skype link with Nadim Makhalfa from the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, and the overwhelmingly carried motion on Palestine. The motion is calling for boycott of complicit companies in line with TUC policy, calls for support for PSC and Action for Palestinian Children, and included an amendment denouncing Israel’s Pinkwashing!


Van de in het NUT (VK) georganiseerde leraren valt heel wat op te steken inzake internationale solidariteit, zie via NUT - National Union of Teachers de lange lijst aan activiteiten, zoals 
Global Action Week 2014
Survey: "Education For All"
Act for Palestinian Children
The Rana Plaza Arrangement
Stop the next corporate takeover
The Robin Hood Tax
Russia: Union leaders arrested at Aeroflot
Stop violence against women activists in Afghanistan
Help end under 18 recruitment into Armed Forces
Abolish the UK’s tax havens
Unite for Quality Education
Urgent Appeal: Philippines Typhoon
Stand with the children of Syria
Save public education in Greece
Send my Friend to School – Every Child Needs a Teacher
en veel meer (ook inzake Palestina). 

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