woensdag 29 januari 2014

VN-rapport over uitdrogen Palestijnen door Israelische bedrijven

Het Israelische nationale waterbedrijf Mekorot (*) ondermijnt voor Palestijnen de toegang tot water, aldus een nieuw rapport van de Raad voor de Mensenrechten van de VN.
Het rapport meldt dat waterboringen door Mekorot en het agro-industriële bedrijf Mehadrin in de bezette Jordaanvallei het opdrogen veroorzaakten van Palestijnse waterbronnen. Ongeveer 80 procent van al het er opgepompte water gaat naar Israel en de illegale nederzettingen.

Zie verder: Israeli water firm drying Palestinian springs

'The World Health Organization recommends that each individual should have access to 100 liters of water per day. Israeli settlers in the West Bank typically consume 400 liters per day, the report states, while Palestinians have to make do with just 73 liters or, in the case of Palestinian Bedouins, as little as 10 liters.'

'According to the new report, companies active in the settlements are fully aware that they are abusing international law and contributing to violations of human rights.
Industrial parks in settlements, such as Barkan and Mishor Adumim, are criticized for enticing firms to the settlements with tax sweeteners and by emphasizing how Palestinians are paid lower wages than Israeli workers. Economic activities in these zones are growing, the mission adds.

The mission also notes that a number of banks provide mortgages for homebuyers and special loans for building projects in settlements. In some cases, the banks are physically present there.

It also states that Israel labels all its export products as originating from Israel, including those wholly or partially produced in settlements. Some companies operating in settlements have been accused of hiding the original place of production of their products. This poses problems for the customs authorities of other countries, as well as raising issues in relation to consumers’ right to information.

The mission urges private companies to cease operating in the settlements. 
The report should prove useful for activists pushing for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel. It states plainly that firms active in the settlements are facilitating abuses of human rights.'

(*) Waterbedrijf Vitens stopte in december de samenwerking met Mekorot, zoals ruim in de media kwam.

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