maandag 30 oktober 2017


30th PSI World Congress 30 October to 3 November 2017 Geneva, Switzerland



Nr. 50 (pag. 38 en 39) is over Palestina:

The 30th World Congress of Public Services International (PSI), meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on 30th October to 3rd November 2017

NOTES that: 
• In addition to the ongoing occupation, the biggest threat to peace in the Middle East today is that Israel and the US administration have declined the Two-State solution, as it appeared in the first meeting between the US President, Donald Trump, and the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
• This US-Israeli trend has emerged after the important resolution that was adopted by the UN Security Council on December 23, 2016, under number 2334, which called for an immediate cessation of all settlement activities and considered that all settlements established after 1967 are not legal. It also reiterated its vision of a Two-State solution, where two democratic States, Israel and Palestine, live side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders.
• Despite the UN Security Council resolution, the Israeli government continues its settlement policy at an escalating pace, including East Jerusalem, to make the occupied Palestinian territories unviable.
• Gaza is still under blockade and, thus, its people suffer from social distress at various levels, particularly at the health level, where the Israeli government has even prevented Palestinians from crossing the borders to receive medical treatment.

The Congress also NOTES that: 
• PSI has already affirmed in previous decisions its conviction that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be based on justice and self-determination of the Palestinians, and must culminate in a sovereign, independent and viable Palestinian State that lives side by side with a secure Israeli State.
• PSI does not see the applicability of its main slogan “for quality public services” in a country such as Palestine, without the establishment of an independent and democratic Palestinian State. No quality public services are possible without a state capable of taking its own decisions through democratic mechanisms and independently from any foreign power.

Therefore, the Congress RESOLVES: 
1) To RAISE the slogan “for a democratic and independent Palestinian State that provides quality public services to its citizens”.
2) To CALL on the affiliates to work with their governments to make them exercise pressure on Israel to implement the UN Security Council Resolution No 2334, in addition to resolutions 338 and 242, as well as to put pressure to break the blockade over the Gaza Strip. 
3) To IMPLEMENT a specific project for Palestine, under the above-mentioned slogan, that should include a PSI international conference, resulting in an international campaign. The international conference to be held will focus on the following issues:
a) The occupation and its impact on public services and on the conditions of the Palestinians; 
b) The social economic policy of the Palestinian Authority, and the development of policies leading to quality public services; 
c) Quality public services and their role in establishing democracy; 
d) The domestic and international trade union role in building the democratic and independent Palestinian State; 
e) Labour standards and trade union rights in law and practice. 
Submitted by the Syndicat National Autonome des Personnels de l'Administration Publique, Algeria, on behalf of the PSI Sub-regional Advisory Committee for the Arab region.
SOC takes no position.


Zie ook de resolutie over de MENA-regio (nr. 46 op pag. 35/36).


16 Million-Strong Organization in India Joins the BDS Movement

16 Million-Strong Organization in
India Joins the BDS Movement

The largest national organization representing farmers in India announced
that it has joined the BDS movement.

India_Palestine solidarity stamp.jpg

Indian stamp from 1981 expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

October 23, 2017 — Earlier this month, the largest national organization
representing farmers and agricultural workers in India, All India Kisan Sabha
 (AIKS), has announced that it has joined the BDS movement. AIKS is is
 spread across 21 states in India and is over 16 million members strong.

AIKS has resolved to:

Endorse the call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel
until it complies with international law, in order to stand for the rights of the
Palestinian people and to resist the corporate takeover of Indian agriculture
sector by Israeli companies.

Denounce and document any cases of Israeli corporate takeover in the Indian

Raise awareness among Indian farmers to prevent Israel and its corporations
from reaping profits in India that finance military occupation and apartheid
in Palestine.

Apoorva, the South Asia Coordinator with the Palestinian BDS National
 Committee said:

Indian solidarity with the Palestinian people is not new, it has a long history.
We are very glad to see this solidarity re-emerge with All India Kisan Sabha’s
 (AIKS) declaration of support for the BDS movement and the Palestinian people.

Grassroots movements in India, Palestine and beyond are working to defeat the
violent wave of right-wing politics plaguing our world today. By joining the BDS
movement, AIKS is saying no to the hateful politics of Prime Minister Modi,
Netanyahu and Trump, and joining us to build a more free, just and equal world.

All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) was formed in 1936, before India's independence
 from British colonialism. It played a critical role in mobilizing farmers and
agricultural workers to end British imperialism.

More recently, AIKS has actively resisted the corporate takeover of Indian
agriculture and the two decades of neoliberal policies which have led to massive
 indebtedness and farmer suicides.

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) is the largest coalition in
Palestinian civil society. It leads and supports the global Boycott, Divestment and
 Sanctions movement.
Visit our website and follow us on Twitter @BDSmovement

Deens fonds ontdoet zich van foute beleggingen

Deens fonds ontdoet zich van foute beleggingen

Het Deense pensioenfonds Sampension heeft beleggingen van de hand gedaan in vier bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij de illegale Israëlische kolonisering en exploitatie van Palestina. Van Nederlandse pensioenfondsen wordt dit jaar dezelfde stap verwacht.

Een vrachtwagen van het Duitse bedrijf HeidelbergCement vervoert steenslag uit de groeve Nahal Raba op de bezette Westoever. De exploitatie ervan door Israël is in strijd met het internationaal recht.Human Rights Watch 
Het Deense pensioenfonds Sampension heeft vier bedrijven uit zijn beleggingsportfolio geschrapt vanwege hun rol in de Israëlische kolonisering van Palestina en de exploitatie van Palestijnse bodemschatten. Het betreft de Israëlische bedrijven Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi en telecombedrijf Bezeq, alsmede het Duitse bedrijf HeidelbergCement. Met zes andere bedrijven is het fonds nog in gesprek.
De maatregel is het gevolg van een in januari 2017 gepubliceerd rapport van het Deense centrum voor onderzoeksjournalistiek Danwatch. Daarin werd vastgesteld dat de vijf grootste Europese pensioenfondsen – waaronder de Nederlandse fondsen ABP en PFZW – 7,5 miljard euro hebben belegd in bedrijven die actief zijn in en rond de illegale Israëlische kolonies (‘nederzettingen’). Danwatch onderzocht daartoe de activiteiten van 36 van die bedrijven, waaronder het Nederlandse Altice.

Lees verder

zondag 22 oktober 2017

Een vuile oorlog voor zuiver water: "Daar liggen de zwembaden, en wij leven in een woestijn"

Op uitnodiging van de EU-delegatie in de Palestijnse gebieden reisde journalist Koen Vidal naar Jeruzalem en de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Vandaag: de ongelijke waterstrijd.

De spanningen tussen Israël en Palestina hebben veel te maken met de meest kostbare grondstof van de regio: water. "De Oslo-akkoorden stelden dat er in 2000 een akkoord moest zijn over de verdeling van de bronnen. Twintig jaar later heeft Israël nog steeds alles in handen."
Koen Vidal

'Weet u, wij zijn niet eens veeleisend. Ik begrijp dat dit een droge regio is en dat de Palestijnen op korte termijn niet evenveel kunnen gebruiken als de Israëliërs. Maar ik wil wel dat mijn volk een menswaardig leven kan leiden'
Ingenieur Nael Ali Ahmad'
'Ik moet vaststellen dat de internationale gemeenschap zo goed als niets doet om de Israëlische nederzettingenpolitiek met sancties tegen te houden'
Jad Isaac (Applied Research Institute in Ramallah)'
