zaterdag 29 april 2017

FLYER 1 MEI 2017

Palestinawerkgroep-FNV / 1 mei 2017
Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen = Desinvesteren

Op 1 mei geeft de FNV extra aandacht aan haar wereldwijde solidariteit. En Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (MVO) hoort er nadrukkelijk bij!/de-samenleving
Ook steeds meer vakbonden nemen maatregelen om de Palestijnse vakbonden en werknemers te steunen, zoals bijvoorbeeld de publieke sectorbonden. Zie
De Palestinawerkgroep wil binnen de FNV de Palestina-solidariteit, zoals besloten op onze internationale congressen, uitdragen. We steunen de strijd van onze Palestijnse collega's voor fatsoenlijke leefomstandigheden en eerlijke arbeidsomstandigheden. Vooral via MVO-beleid geven we steun aan de zgn. desinvesteringspolitiek: er mag geen enkele steun zijn voor enige investering die de Israelische bezettingspolitiek steunt. Dat doen we ondermeer via druk op pensioenfondsen. Ook de OR heeft hier een belangrijke taak; wat voor relaties heeft jouw bedrijf of organisatie? Stel het aan de orde en maak er een onderwerp van!
Onze Palestijnse collega's ondersteunen we verder met trainings- en solidariteitsprojecten. Eenmaal per jaar organiseren we een grote themabijeenkomst. Sectoren en lokale netwerken kunnen ons uitnodigen om informatie te geven. Wij bieden concrete handelingsperspectieven zoals het sponsoren van olijfbomen in de olijfboomcampagne, die de Palestijnse boeren steunt hun land te behouden ( Ook dat is MVO (Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen), olijfbomen betekenen namelijk inkomen, pensioen en arbeidsomstandigheden. Ieder kan meedoen voor 20 Euro!
FNVers kopen dus geen producten of diensten die op enige wijze iets met de Israëlische bezetting te maken hebben. En stellen het aan de orde in hun ondernemingsraad.
Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen = Divestment. Het maakt deel uit van de BDS-beweging (Boycot, Desinvesteren, Sancties) zoals eerder tegen Apartheids-Zuid-Afrika bestond. 

Contact over wat je kunt doen: 

woensdag 26 april 2017

Het bombardement op Guernica / 26 april 1937 - 2017

Het bombardement op Guernica

Door: Henk BoomHistorisch Nieuwsblad 3/2007
Op 26 april 1937 voeren vliegtuigen van het Duitse Condor Legioen een verraderlijke aanval uit op het Noord-Spaanse stadje Guernica. In korte tijd staat het stadje volledig in brand. Maar pas in 1997 komen er Duitse verontschuldigingen voor het barbaarse bombardement. Guernica was ook slachtoffer geworden van een propagandaslag.


dinsdag 25 april 2017

De plaats van de vrouw is in haar vakbond


Women in Palestine, as anywhere across the globe, are subjected to and daily resisting an intricate, mutually reinforcing web of state, social, economic and domestic violence and oppression, continuously violating their rights. The burden of Israeli occupation weighs therefore on many more layers on the daily lives of Palestinian woman than their male counterparts.

The barriers for the progression of women’s rights extends deeper than the effects of the occupation and national liberation. The combination of economic, political, and social oppression creates a different type of oppression that has been forced upon the women of Palestine. When looking at the Palestinian struggle, it is therefore important to recognise that there are many struggles that only together can pave the road to liberation in Palestine. It is vital that these struggles are not disregarding one in favour of another.
In recent years, an inspiring women’s movement has emerged in Palestine as part of the Palestine New Federation of Trade Unions, commonly referred to as the New Union. Women have assembled and organised creating the women’s department of the New Union that was established in 2010 for the empowerment of Palestinian women. Palestinian women face many challenges in the workplace and even face obstacles to their employment the workplace to start with.
No longer are women able to work on the land due to the brutal destruction and seizure of land by the Israeli forces for illegal settlements. Often women find themselves resorting to working in the homes of Israeli settlers where they experience discrimination, racist and sexual abuse. When working in industries, women are even more afraid than men to join a union in their workplace as their unjustified dismissal by the employers is even easier. Women are overworked, underpaid and often face financial exploitation from not only their employer but the agency they got the job through. Even before the distribution of wages women are paid less than men. Part of their salary goes towards the agency before they receive any type of income and woman are often forced to sign a document that states that they have received the correct salary.
The goal of the women’s department is to educate women on their rights and how to fight their oppression in the workplace, and to develop the participation of women in the New Union. They organise and mobilise in order to improve working conditions and to fight against discrimination and oppression of women furthering the goal of equality and liberation for Palestinian women. In the next year, the women’s department aim to:
  • Empower and recruit women to become members of their Union
  • Increase women’s participation within the New Union
  • Raise awareness and educate women on both women’s and workers’ rights
  • Campaign and demonstrate women’s rights within society and the workplace
  • Defend the rights of workers and improve working conditions
The struggle for women rights for economic empowerment is essential because women’s rights are human rights. The New Union recognises that the way to empower women includes securing labour rights, including the right to work, the right to assemble, organise and to form trade unions.
Despite the trials and tribulations that Palestinian women face day to day with the Israeli occupation and social oppression, they have proven their resilience and that there is no goal too small for them to reach. Not only are they standing up firmly against the Israeli occupation and against societal norms, they are empowering women and giving them a voice in Palestine and within the economy. An imperative voice that has been silenced for far too long.
History has shown us that it is in the struggle that women and men have come together and continue to come together striving for true liberation and equality. It is on the streets, at the heart of the revolution, that women in both Palestine and around the world are drawing in the breath of freedom and, tasting the equality that they have been long fighting for and will continue to fight for.
For Palestinian women, the fight has just begun and the prospect of the women’s New Union movement growing amid an occupation and societal oppression is absolutely inspiring. The real legacy of the women’s movement lays within her union. It is the organising, the protests and strikes. It is in the revolution and the workers' movement across the globe.

zaterdag 22 april 2017

Waarom boycot Israël (BDS) een morele plicht is

Een VN-Commissie komt tot de vaststelling dat Israël zich schuldig maakt "aan de misdaad van apartheid" en dat de civiele maatschappij "een morele plicht" heeft om te ijveren voor een einde van de apartheid in Israël. Herman de Ley las het volledige rapport en schreef er dit dossier over. Essentiële informatie.

woensdag 19 april 2017

Een derde van de Palestijnen onder de armoedegrens

One third of Palestinians live below poverty line

12-04-2017 16:34

Source: MEMO

One third of Palestinians are living below the poverty line, Quds Press reported the Palestinian Authority (PA) Minister of Labour Mamoun Abu Shahla saying yesterday.

The unemployment rate stands at 28 per cent, he explained, 30 per cent among university graduates and 73 per cent among women.


320,000 Palestinian families are living below the poverty line

The minister noted that the annual income of Palestinians is less than $2,000, compared with Israelis who earn in excess of $40,000.

Abu-Shahla’s remarks came during his speech in the 44th meeting of the Arabic Work Conference being organised and held by the Arabic Work Organisation in Cairo, Egypt.

During the conference, the minister called for the conference to help the PA not only rebuild what was destroyed by the Israeli occupation, but to fund work programmes to afford opportunities for more than 400,000 Palestinian youths.

He also said that at least there are 320,000 Palestinian families are living below the poverty line of $2 a day. “We need long-term financial loans with low interest rates,” he said. “We need to open the door for applying for jobs in your countries.”

We are looking forward to raising $1 billion in the coming three years. We are planning to lay out practical plans for projects to face the unemployment and poverty rates and build a vocational training centre.
