zondag 30 augustus 2015

Belangrijk BDS-nieuws: Veolia

Major BDS news ...

Veolia, one of the largest corporations in the world, was compelled by
successful boycott and divestment campaigns that cost it more than *$26B*
in tenders to sell off all its operations in Israel
that violated international law.

Congratulations to all BDS activists and cross-movement coalition partners
around the world who made this happen. Special thanks to activists in
Sweden, the UK, Ireland, the US, Kuwait and of course the Netherlands,
among other countries where Veolia lost lucrative tenders because of
boycott pressure.

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition in
Palestinian society that leads the global BDS movement, will issue a
statement soon, emphasizing the need to continue pressure on Veolia until
it pays *reparations *to the Palestinian communities adversely affected by
its infringements of international law. The statement will also commit
to *standing in solidarity with other communities* around the world whose rights are still trampeled upon by Veolia.

In the meanwhile, here are two good reports that explain almost all aspects
of this huge win:

As Barbara Harvey, of Jewish Voice for Peace, explains in the second item
above, Veolia has been a very challenging target for the BDS movement to
take on for reasons that she eloquently explains. This makes prospects for
compelling *less *challenging corporations to end their respective
complicity in violating our rights all that more promising!


Eerste nationale vakbond in VS steunt BDS

First national trade union in the US to endorse BDS ...

Seems the Adelson-Saban-Clinton-AIPAC-J Street-Jewish
Federation-ADL-Hillel-Nutty Christian Fundamentalist-Hollywood
moguls-Etc multi-million dollar, neo-McCarthyist crusade to
undermine BDS is not going well!



*U.S. Industrial Union Votes to Endorse BDS*
The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America
votes in favor of boycotting Israel, supporting Iran deal.

Haaretz -- 30 August 2015

One of the more prominent industrial unions in the U.S. voted
to endorse the goals of the worldwide boycott, divestment and
sanction (BDS) movement against Israel, citing "its long 
history of violating the human rights of the Palestinians," 
thus purportedly becoming the first nationwide union to do so.

The United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers' national
convention met in Baltimore last week and voted on a string of
foreign and as well as domestic policy issues, including the 
call to boycott Israel and support the nuclear deal with Iran.

According to a statement on the UE's website, the union voted in
favor of the "Justice and Peace for the Peoples of Palestine and
Israel", and cited Israel’s sordid human rights record: "starting 
with the ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians in 1947-48 that 
turned most of Palestine into the State of Israel."

The move's goal, the union said, was "to pressure Israel to end its
apartheid over the Palestinians just as similar tactics helped to 
end South African apartheid in the 1980s." The union further called 
for the U.S. aid to Israel to be cut off and expressed support for 
"the right to return."

The union also voted on a number of other foreign policy issues, 
including the demand to end U.S. military intervention in the 
Middle East and other regions.

"We (need) to get rid of this culture of war,” said Mike Ferritto, 
a local delegate. “We have done enough damage. We need to get out
of the Middle East," said Brandon Dutton, another delegate.

The vote on Israel was prompted by an encounter with Palestinian trade
unionists during the World Social Forum in Tunisia. Delegate Autumn
Martinez, who cosponsored the resolution and participated in the meet,
said: “It’s absolutely disgusting what is going on. Free Palestine!”

woensdag 19 augustus 2015

'Het is tijd om het toe te geven. Het Israëlische beleid is wat het is: Apartheid'

Gerenommeerde Israëlische krant Haaretz kraakt Benjamin Netanyahu’s politiek … Bradley Burston, columnist en eindredacteur van Haaretz.com herziet zijn mening

Een unicum: columnist van de gerenommeerde Israëlische krant Haaretz, Bradley Burston (tevens eindredacteur van Haaretz.com) haalt op de website van de krant flink uit naar de Israëlische overheid. Niet eerder werd in een Israëlische krant zo duidelijk stand genomen tégen het beleid van de Israëlische overheid. Wat de overheid doet, is regelrechte apartheid, aldus Bradley. Die het overigens moeilijk vindt om het toe te geven.
Onder de kop ‘a special place in hell’ doet Burston uit de doeken wat er allemaal mis is met het Israëlische beleid. De kop is een verwijzing naar een uitspraak van Dante: “De heetste plaatsen in de hel worden gereserveerd voor hen die, in een periode van morele crisis, hun neutraliteit blijven behouden.”

Burston schrijft:

Wat betekent apartheid, als Israëlisch begrip? Apartheid betekent dat fundamentalistische geestelijken een toonaangevende rol spelen in de intensivering van segregatie, ongelijkheid, superioriteitszin en onderwerping. Apartheid betekent dat Likoed-parlementariër en voormalig Shin Bet baas Avi Dichter zondag oproept voor gescheiden wegen en snelwegen voor joden en Arabieren op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. Apartheid betekent honderden aanvallen door kolonisten op Palestijnse eigendommen, middelen van bestaan, zonder veroordelingen, aanklachten of zelfs verdachten. Apartheid betekent ontelbare Palestijnen, opgesloten zonder proces, doodgeschoten zonder proces, doodgeschoten in de rug tijdens het vluchten, zonder geldige reden. Apartheid betekent dat Israëlische functionarissen het leger, de politie en de militaire rechtbanken gebruiken en draconische administratieve detenties, niet alleen om terrorisme de kop in te drukken, maar om bijna alle mogelijkheden van geweldloos protest die beschikbaar zijn voor Palestijnen, te beknotten.
De journalist staat erom bekend een liberale zionist te zijn. Jarenlang werkte hij in Gaza als militaire correspondent voor de rechtse Jerusalem Post, die geregeld kritiek uitte op linkse progressieven, vanwege wat hij noemt een dubbele moraal voor wat betreft Israël.

Wat hem dan toch van gedachte heeft doen veranderen? Danny Danon.
Danon is een Israëlische politicus van Likoed en minister van Wetenschap, Technologie en Ruimte. Danon zal Israël vertegenwoordigen bij de Verenigde Naties. Burston vindt het geen fijn idee dat een politicus die pro-Apartheid is, zijn land zal vertegenwoordigen bij de VN. Danon stelde eerder voor om de Westelijke Jordaanoever te annexeren, en zo een gebied te creëren waar alle Palestijnen staatloos zouden leven, zonder enige fundamentele mensenrecht. Ook is hij de politicus die Afrikaanse asielzoekers in Israël een ‘nationale plaag’ noemde. Tevens is Danon de man die ‘linkse NGO’s’ die Palestijnen te hulp komen probeerde te ondermijnen met behulp van wetgeving, terwijl hij tegelijkertijd ‘rechtse NGO’s’ financieel wilde tegemoetkomen. NGO's die er al van worden verdacht joodse kolonisten die geweld niet schuwen te financieren. 
Maar daar blijven de argumenten van Burston om het Israëlische beleid als apartheid te benoemen niet bij. 

Een 18-maanden oude Palestijnse baby kwam onlangs om het leven nadat terroristische zionisten het huis van de Palestijnen hadden gebombardeerd. Ook de vader van het jongetje kwam om, het lichaam van de moeder is voor 90 procent verbrand. In Israël bestaat een compensatie voor slachtoffers van terrorisme, ook voor joodse inwoners van illegale nederzettingen. Maar deze familie krijgt helemaal niets, aldus Burston, die vervolgens wijst op de nieuwe Israëlische wetgeving waardoor met stenen gooien bestraft kan worden met 20 jaar cel. Tenzij je joods bent, dan krijg je een huis op een illegaal bezet stuk land, aldus Burston:
"Slechts een week later (nadat de wet in is gegaan, red), gooiden joden die pro-nederzetting zijn, meubels, flessen en urine naar Israëlische soldaten en politie bij een nederzetting op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. In een reactie beloonde Benjamin Netanyahu de joodse steengooiers met een belofte om honderden nieuwe huizen te bouwen op de nederzetting."


Israelisch leger volgt BDS-groepen in het buitenland

Haaretz Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Israel's Military Intelligence Monitoring Dozens of BDS Groups Around the World

While the IDF is responsible for foreign groups, local groups supporting BDS are monitored by the Shin Bet.

Gili Cohen

The Israel Defense Forces routinely gathers information on foreign, left-wing organizations that it believes are working to delegitimize the State of Israel, Haaretz has learned.

The Military Intelligence Research Division's Delegitimization Department was established as part of the lessons learned after the Mavi Marmara affair in 2010. As Haaretz revealed in 2011, the department focuses on studying the activities of anti-Israeli groups operating overseas, including some that promote sanctions on Israel.

Nine foreign nationals were killed when IDF commandos boarded the Mavi Marmara, part of a flotilla trying to break the embargo on Gaza, in May 2010. A tenth died in 2014, after being in a coma for four years.

As part of its activities, the Delegitimization Department gathered proof of Hamas violations of international law during 2014?s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.

Among the overseas organizations monitored by Military Intelligence are dozens affiliated with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, though groups with the same goals working within Israel are not monitored by the department. Such activity inside Israel was criticized in the past, due to its political connotations.

The BDS movement conducts campaigns aimed at promoting boycotts of Israel and persuading companies to withdraw their investments from the country.

The monitoring of every BDS-linked group is approved in advance by a senior officer in the research division, following a decision not to follow groups which have indirect contacts with Israeli activists.

The IDF has emphasized in recent weeks that it does not collect information on Israeli citizens. That is the job of the Shin Bet security service, which monitors Israeli citizens involved in what are regarded as delegitimization activities.

In the past, left-wing activists belonging to the BDS movement have reported being contacted by a woman from the Shin Bet who calls herself Rona. Re?ut Mor, a media consultant for the Joint Arab List, said in June that she was questioned by Rona after returning from a trip abroad. The questioning covered a flotilla that had attempted to reach Gaza at the time and her positions on the BDS movement, the IDF and Zionism.

Gili Cohen
Haaretz Correspondent

woensdag 12 augustus 2015

Sind eind 2014 zijn vissers in Gaza 1312 keer aangevallen!

1312 reported attacks against fishermen since the end of 2014 massacre on Gaza

11th August 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza Team | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

Two days ago, on Sunday’s night at 3am, the occupation forces kidnapped fishermen Mohamed Ismail Sharafi, 34 years old, and Mohamed Saidi, 22 years old, in Gaza City waters.

According to the testimony of the other fishermen that where working with them the night of the attack, around 10 boats, one of the two fishermen was injured by live ammunition before being kidnapped.
The aggression took place at 5 miles off shore and their boat was also taken to Ashdod.
Two weeks ago Ahmed Sharafi, Mohamed’s brother, was shot in his back with live ammunition while working with his father.
Since the end of the last Zionist massacre against Gaza there have been 1312 reported attacks against the fishermen.
Since then, 22 boats have been stolen; 26 fishermen have been injured; one fisherman, Tawfiq Abu Riela, has been assassinated; 28 boats have been disabled by bullet fire; 2 big fishing boats have been sunken by rocket fire, one in Deir El Balah at 300m from the coast and one in Gaza City at 5 miles; 51 fishermen have been kidnapped while working and 3 fishermen remain prisoners until now.
Those facts, among other practices of the occupation forces, have caused the quantity of fish caught to decrease from 1600 tons the year before the massacre to 1000 tons the year after. At the same time the number of fishermen who work in the Gaza Strip has decreased from 3000 to 1000 and the fishermen who keep working have seen how their monthly income decreased from 2000 ILS to the actual 100 ILS.
This last year, just in Beach Camp, 50 children of fishermen have left the school in order to work carrying flour sacks at the doors of UNRWA for 1 ILS each sack.
It’s becoming something common that the fishermen families have to choose between their children and decide which ones will go to school and which ones will have to work in order to support the family.
In this moment there are 900 children of fishermen in Gaza City, and 1700 in all the Strip, that should start the academic year in 20 days and whose parents can’t afford to buy them the school materials.


vrijdag 7 augustus 2015

Vakbeweging in Gaza dringt aan op boycot van Israelische vakbondsfederatie

Gaza trade unions urge boycott of Israeli labor federation

Palestinian workers wait to cross the Shaar Efraim checkpoint near the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarm in order to reach jobs in present-day Israel, 22 December 2014.
Oren Ziv ActiveStills
Fifteen trade unions in Gaza have jointly renewed their support for the boycott of Israel and its labor institutions that are complicit in the violation of Palestinian rights.
To mark the 10th anniversary of the boycott movement, the member unions of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) - Gaza Strip, are reaffirming their “unwavering commitment to the call of Palestinian civil society for … boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel (BDS).”
“We salute and appreciate the many trade unions and federations in the world who heed the call of BDS and would like to reiterate our call on all comrades and activists for freedom and justice in unions and federations all over the world to boycott Israel because of its racist, settler-colonial regime,” the Palestinian trade unions say.
In particular, the trade unions “underline the importance of boycotting the Histadrut because of its blatant complicity in Israel’s policies including occupation, settlement building, apartheid and hijacking of Palestinian workers’ rights.”
The PGFTU statement, circulated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), also reiterates the unions’ “opposition to all forms of normalization with Israel and its institutions.”

Colonialist union

As Tony Greenstein detailed for The Electronic Intifada in 2009, Histadrut is the Israeli labor federation with deep historic ties to Zionism’s colonization and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
Among Histadrut’s roles in Zionist colonization was enforcing the segregation of Arab and Jewish workers.
In 2010, it was revealed that Histadrut was complicit in the theft of $2 billion worth of wages from Palestinian workers. The money was taken by various Israeli institutions including Histadrut in the form of “deductions” for benefits Palestinians were never able to receive.
Pro-Israel American trade unions, for instance the American Federation of Teachers, have sponsored joint projects between Israeli and Palestinian union members that violate the call against normalization.
The PGFTU statement will serve as a reminder to international trade unionists of the importance of real solidarity that avoids such pitfalls.
The Palestinian BDS National Committee said it “warmly welcomes the statement made by PGFTU and other unions in Gaza, considering it an important step towards escalating BDS campaigns within the trade union movement internationally against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights.”

Full PGFTU statement

This is the full text of the PGFTU statement:

A statement issued by the General Federation of Palestine’s Trades Unions - Gaza Provinces

9 July, 2015: Given the right of our people to practice all forms of national struggle against the Israeli occupation, we, the undersigned, assert our unwavering commitment to the call of Palestinian civil society for the boycott, divestment, and sanctions against Israel (BDS), issued in 2005, until it complies with its obligations under international law and recognizes the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination by:
  1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall.
  2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
  3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.
We also reiterate our opposition to all forms of normalization with Israel and its institutions according to the definition of normalization approved by the vast majority of the Palestinian Civil Society in the first BDS National Conference in 2007, taking the lead from the criteria set by the BDS National Committee (BNC) which constitutes the largest coalition of Palestinian civil society sectors.
We, in the General Federation of Palestinian Trade Unions and Workers Unions, underline the importance of boycotting the Histadrut because of its blatant complicity in Israel’s policies including occupation, settlement building, apartheid, and hijacking of Palestinian workers’ rights. We also commit to boycott any other Israeli institution that does not recognize our inalienable rights under international law.
We salute and appreciate the many trade unions and federations in the world who heed the call of BDS and would like to reiterate our call on all comrades and activists for freedom and justice in unions and federations all over the world to boycott Israel because of its racist, settler-colonial regime.
We believe that boycotting Israeli occupation and its institutions is the most effective act of solidarity with our people’s struggle for freedom, justice and equality, and for holding Israel accountable for its repeated crimes. Israel’s last onslaught on the Gaza strip in the summer of 2014, has led to the brutal death of 2,140 Palestinians [Editor’s note: The recent independent UN inquiry puts this number at 2,251], and the injury of more than 12,000. This is in addition to the vast destruction of houses, factories and farms, and the continuing impediments on the reconstruction of Gaza, and the ongoing seven-year unjust siege on our people.


  • Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions - Gaza Strip
  • General Union of Trade and Services Workers
  • General Union of Educational Service Workers
  • General Union of Textile and Garment Workers
  • General Union of Transportation Workers
  • General Union of Public Employees
  • General Union of Health Service Workers
  • General Union of Engineering, Mechanical and Electrical Industries Workers
  • General Union of Municipality and Village Councils Workers
  • General Union of Tourism Services Workers
  • General Union of Construction and Wood Workers
  • General Union of Agricultural Workers
  • General Union of Graphic and Media Workers
  • General Union of Food industries workers
  • General Union of Workers in Banks, Insurance and Financial Works.

From  https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/gaza-trade-unions-urge-boycott-israeli-labor-federation

maandag 3 augustus 2015

Fighting Israel with a camera and a stethoscope

Night in Gaza by Mads Gilbert (Skyscraper Publications)

Since 2006, Israel has launched four merciless assaults on the besieged and defenseless Gaza Strip. After Operation Cast Lead in late 2008 and early 2009, with its 1,400 Palestinian fatalities, the Norwegian surgeon Dr. Mads Gilbert published the best-selling Eyes in Gaza.
That book, a record of his and co-author Erik Fosse’s experiences in Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital during the massacre, made him the object of a relentless campaign of defamation by Israel and its fellow-travellers.
In July 2014 Operation Protective Edge, the most recent Israeli onslaught, inflicted more than 2,200 Palestinian fatalities, including 551 children. This attack was also partly witnessed by Gilbert; in its wake the Israeli authorities did not stop at defamation, but imposed a permanent ban on his entry to Gaza, reportedly for “security” reasons.
In the preface to his new book Night in Gaza, Gilbert comments: “When a pen, a camera and a stethoscope are seen as security threats, we know we are dealing with a regime that is afraid of the truth and that believes power confers rights.”
Clearly, however, the ban on Gilbert stems less from fear of the “small, black Sony … compact digital camera” that he carried wherever he went, even into the operating theater, than hostility to his unapologetically political stance.



Mads Gilbert: Nacht in Gaza

By Engelbert Luitsz                   

Wanneer een pen, een camera en een stethoscoop worden gezien als veiligheidsrisico’s, weten we dat we te maken hebben met een regime dat bang is voor de waarheid en gelooft in het recht van de sterkste.
Mads Gilbert

