dinsdag 29 november 2011

Bericht van de Dichter des Vaderlands. Over Nederland, Israel, Palestina

Wat is een Palestijn waard, meneer de minister? Ramsey Nasr
(Nuttige informatie ook voor de vakbeweging)

Uri Rosenthal weet het misschien, onze Expert in Evenwicht. De minister voor Buitenlandse Zaken blokkeerde onlangs in zijn eentje een gezamenlijke verklaring van de 27 EU-lidstaten, die was bedoeld om de vredesbesprekingen uit het moeras te trekken. Volgens Rosenthal was deze tekst onevenwichtig en buiten proportie: om te beginnen werden de wandaden van zowel Palestijnen als Israëli’s aan de kaak gesteld. Daarnaast verwees de tekst naar een twééstatenoplossing.

Nu wordt dat plan al bijna 45 jaar door de Verenigde Naties (kortom de gehele wereld) bepleit als de enige acceptabele, rechtvaardige oplossing voor het Midden-Oostenconflict. Evenwichtiger dan dat wordt het niet, zou je zeggen; legaler evenmin. Maar gelukkig is Uri ‘Geller’ Rosenthal er nog, de man die alles krombuigt tot het recht lijkt. Hij vond het een groot onrecht dat naast de Palestijnen ook de Israëli’s de maat werd gemeten, terwijl zij toch alleen maar de bezetters in dit verhaal zijn.

Evenwicht in het Nederlands beleid: een snelcursus.

1. Stel, Hamas blijkt in 2006 de onbetwiste winnaar van eerlijke Palestijnse verkiezingen. De partij komt aan de macht. Wat doe je dan? Je stelt een totale boycot in – die lui accepteren immers de grenzen van 1967 niet. Je zet anderhalf miljoen burgers gevangen op een gebied zo groot als twee keer Texel, onthoudt hun elk contact met de buitenwereld, en wacht tot ze genuanceerder leren stemmen.
Dat is de linkerschaal van de balans.

2. Maar dan. Na de Israëlische verkiezingen van 2009 worden ook daar twee extremistische partijen opgenomen in de regering: Israël Ons Thuis en Shas. Geen van beide Israëlische partijen accepteert de grenzen van 1967, ze streven naar een etnisch zuiver, joods Israël met behoud van de nederzettingen. Dus wat doe je dan?
Dan ga je over tot intensieve samenwerking. Het is precies wat Rosenthal op zijn eerste dienstreis naar Israël voorstelde aan zijn ambtgenoot, minister Lieberman.

Lees verder in Wat is een Palestijn waard, meneer de minister?

Palestijnse Vakbeweging dankt Engelse National Union!

Palestinian trade union movement salutes National Union of Rail, Maritime
and Transport Workers (RMT) London Transport Regional Council for joining
Derail Veolia and Alstom Campaign.

The Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for Boycotts, Divestment and
Sanctions (PTUC-BDS), a key member of the Palestinian BDS National
Committee (BNC), salutes the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport
Workers (RMT) London Transport Regional Council for initiating a campaign
“for Alstom to be excluded from working on projects, including London
Underground and all Alstom work and administration to be brought back in
house” over the role the company plays in building and operating the
illegal Jerusalem Light Rail, which links illegal settlements in occupied
Palestinian territory with Israel.

In London, Alstom built the current fleet of metro trains running on the
London Underground Jubilee and Northern Lines. It continues to provide
maintenance for the Northern Line fleet.  In Occupied Palestine, Alstom
helped to build and continues to a play major role in the operation of
Jerusalem Light Rail, which is explicitly designed to literally cement
Israel’s grip on the illegal settlements, tie them more firmly to the state
of Israel and facilitate their expansion.[1] The UN Human Rights Council
has condemned the project as illegal under international law.[2] Adverts
for staff for the Jerusalem Light Rail demanded applicants had completed
Israeli military service, effectively barring Palestinians from applying.[3]

The November 24 meeting of the RMT London Transport Regional Council voted
unanimously in support of a motion that targets the French multinational
for its involvement in the Jerusalem Light Rail project (full text of the
resolution below).

This motion by the RMT London Transport Regional council is a significant
next step in the escalating campaign against the company. The motion
follows an educational campaign among the membership of the union where a
public meeting on the situation in Palestine was organised and a political
bulletin was issued featuring a contribution from the PTUC-BDS.[4]

Unjum Mirza, Political Officer for London Transport Region of RMT,
explained, “Prior to this motion our Region had fully supported the
revolutionaries in Tunisia and Egypt. We sent a delegation to Egypt to
celebrate May Day in Tahrir Square and we invited Kamal Abu Aita, now
President of the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, to London
to join the public sector strikes on June 30 and to address meetings across
London. At this inspiring historic revolutionary juncture, Palestine is,
for us, the obvious next link in the chain. Not only did we seek to
re-affirm our solidarity for the struggle for Palestinian liberation and
justice, we wanted to give it a renewed sense of import as *the* political
issue that centrally informs our struggles as it does in the Middle East
and North Africa region.”

Rafeef Ziadah, who was a guest speaker on behalf of PTUC-BDS at the meeting
where the motion was carried, added, “This is an important step for the
Derail Veolia and Alstom campaign and importantly serves as a model for
rank and file union campaigns that put emphasis on education within the
union, as well as moving beyond rhetorical condemnation of corporate
actions that support Israel’s illegal occupation, to active campaigning. We
look forward to working with RMT on this campaign and urge other unions to
follow suit”.

In 2008, the BNC and its partners launched the Derail Veolia and Alstom
campaign, over the two companies’ involvement in the building and operation
of the Jerusalem Light Rail. Pressure from campaigners has forced financial
institutions including the AP7 Swedish pension fund and the Dutch ASN bank
to divest from Alstom. Last month, the BNC declared a long sought-after
victory as Alstom lost the bid for the second phase of the Saudi Haramain
Railway project, worth $10 billion US dollars, after pressure from the
global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. Veolia has lost
more than $12B worth of contracts following boycott activism in the UK,
Sweden, Ireland and elsewhere.


[1]Alstom provided carriages for and was formerly part of the consortium
that built the Jerusalem Light Rail and continues to own 80% of the company
that is the Engineering, Procurement and Construction contractor for the
project, and is the full owner of Citadis Israel, which has the contract
for providing maintenance for the project for 22 years.
For more on the Jerusalem Light Rail and its role in facilitating Israel’s
violations of international law, see

*Full text of motion*

Alstom-Jerusalem Light Railway:

1. To campaign for Alstom to be excluded from working on projects,
including London Underground and all Alstom work and administration to be
brought back in house, on account of its illegal and immoral involvement in
colonising the Palestinian occupied territories and build a campaign
involving the widest possible coalition of trade unions, human rights
organisations and other groups that believe in social justice.

2. To write an open letter to Alstom, asking them about the reality of JLR,
the effects it will have on the people of East Jerusalem and asking if it
is not hypocritical to involve itself in JLR while claiming to have
“ethical” employment & social policies.

3. To apply pressure to the British, London and local governments not to
allow Alstom to expand its operations in Britain while it is engaged in
JLR. The UN Human Rights Commission, has denounced the JLR project for
being “in clear violation of international law and relevant United Nations

4. To send this motion on to LTRC Exec with a request to invite Rafeef
Ziadah of the Palestine Trade Union Coalition to the November LTRC mtg, to
other branches, regional councils and the RMT AGM.

Passed Unanimously: London Transport Regional Council 24/11/11

End text of motion

*Alstom Involvement on London Underground*

Northern Line

Alstom built and maintains the 106 trains operating on London’s Northern
Line. The Northern Line is Europe’s busiest railway line, carrying over
800,000 passengers per day.

Jubilee Line

Alstom has completed fitment of new signalling technology and control on
the London Jubilee Line to increase the frequency of the trains.

Internationale VN dag 29 november / Internationale Dag van Solidariteit met het Palestijnse Volk

Deze door de Verenigde Naties uitgeroepen jaarlijkse Internationale Dag van Solidariteit met het Palestijnse Volk is een goed moment om nog eens na te lezen wat de Palestijnse vakbeweging voor boodschap had voor haar internationale vakbondsvrienden en -vriendinnen. ABVAKABO FNV nam die boodschap in ontvangst, zie nogmaals het verslag van een Werkconferentie te Amman in juni 2010.

Een greep aan citaten uit dat verslag:
  • Relatie met FNV Mondiaal en Abvakabo FNV: hun financiële steun voor de uitvoering van projecten heeft geleid tot het vergroten van de capaciteit van de bonden, een verhoging van de deelname van vrouwen en het houden van democratische verkiezingen.
  • Gezamenlijke strijd tegen globalisering en privatisering van de publieke sectoren.
  • De kaders dienen meer van elkaar leren, bijv. door delegatie werkbezoek of een werkstage uitwisselingsprogramma .
  • Continuering van de solidariteitsactie voor Palestijnse werknemers in de huidige uitzichtloze bezettingsituatie.
  • blij met alle boycotcampagnes in het buitenland. De BDS-campagne (boycot, disinvestment, sanctions) is een goed drukmiddel op Israël. Er moeten ook fact-finding missies komen van vakbonden van buiten de regio. De bezetting zelf ervaren maakt duidelijker voor de internationale gemeenschap onder welke omstandigheden vakbondswerk uitgevoerd moet worden.
  • een internationale conferentie om Israël verantwoordelijk te stellen.
Er is ruim huiswerk!

maandag 14 november 2011

Vakbondsvrouw Rafeef Ziadah - 'We teach life, sir', London, 12.11.11

Rafeef Ziadah - 'We teach life, sir', London, 12.11.11

Vakbondsvrouw en econoom Rafeef Ziadah nam deel aan het Russell Tribunal on Palestine, te Kaapstad (Zuid Afrika), over Apartheid. Hier de Cape Town Session summary of findings

Verhaal van een boer in Palestina, Turkalem

In Turkalem woont en werkt Faize Taneeb, een 'organic farmer' omringd door 'de muur' en Israelische fabrieken.

Lees Faiez - Story Palestinian farmer

Afrondend zegt Faize:  "I think the world does not understand us. The world does not know how it feels your children leaving home to school without knowing weather they will return, the world does not know what every child feels when leaving home without knowing if his parents will be still alive when he returns from school. The world does not know what happens here and we are alone. They hear about Palestine and they think they know what happens here and they (foreigners) come and visit us and here they realize that things are not as the imagine, but even worse."

Verhaal van een schoenmaker in Palestina, in Hebron

Lees het verhaal van Tamir ofwel Abu Taleeb (de vander van Taleeb), een schoenmaker wonend in het zogenaamde H2-deel van Hebron's oude stad.

Hier We are here because we exist - Story of shoemaker in Hebron.

Het artikel eindigt aldus:

"I live here to confirm my existence and prove that we are going to continue our presence in this land," Tamir said.

"The settlers want to scare us and to drive us to despair, they want us to leave this area, that is why they do all this. But we are not leaving. That is why we are here, because we exist and we are not going to allow them to kick us from our lands. This is our land and we ae not going to give up," Tamir said.

Tamir also said that he know he is quite alone in this struggle, and he asked me: "Where are all those large international organizations of Human Rights, the UN? We have lived through 40 years of occupation and where are they? what are they doing?"

When I left, Tamir told me that he dreams on the day when Palestinians can live safe in their land and the settlers leave.

donderdag 10 november 2011

VN-rapport meldt stijgend geweld door kolonisten

The United Nations publishes a report on settler violence against Palestinians in the West Bank, revealing a drastic rise in Palestinian casualties and property damage in 2011 compared with 2010

Zie UN report shows rise settler violence in 2011

En meer kolonistengeweld is aangekondigd, zie Al Ahram (29-9):
'Jewish settlers indoctrinated in extremist Talmudic theology have threatened to transform the West Bank into a huge killing field.'

Zou goed zijn als de internationale campagne voor Decent Work / Decent Life hier aandacht aan zou geven, nu het nog zin heeft.

zaterdag 5 november 2011

Factsheet on Palestine for Trade Unions

Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign
The Apartheid Wall has been deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice, yet the international community has done nothing to halt its encroachment on Palestinian land. Palestinian workers and farmers have been the most effected by the ongoing construction of the wall, thus we reach out to trade unions, invoking the best practices of trade union solidarity and internationalism under the tried and true union slogan of ‘an injury to one is an injury to all!’. We implore workers around the world in the spirit of the South African Anti-Apartheid struggle, where trade union solidarity was critical, to raise awareness within their unions and workplaces about the daily violations Palestinian workers and farmers have to endure. Help us expose the companies complicit in the construction of the Apartheid Wall.

While the Israeli state argues that the construction of the wall is due to security reasons, the reality is that the Apartheid Wall cuts across Palestinian lands, separating the Palestinians into smaller segregated ghettos where the workers movement is controlled though a permit system (reminiscent of the Pass Laws of the South African apartheid state). The Apartheid Wall has been especially harmful to Palestinian farmers and agricultural workers who are forced to obtain permits to work their own lands behind the Wall or near settlements. Applicants must satisfy the security considerations and submit land documents to prove a ‘connection to the land’. Those that obtain permits are often only allowed on their land for limited periods during the harvest season, making the upkeep of farmland impossible.

We ask the trade union movement to stand in solidarity with Palestinian workers and farmers by joining the Week Against the Apartheid Wall and by helping us to distribute the following facts.

Vervolg in Factsheet on Palestine for Trade Unions, Stop the Wall 30-10-2011

Palestijnse arbeiders onder de Israelische bezetting, een analyse

Impact on Palestinian Workers under Israeli Occupation
Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign - Sunday October 30, 2011
Since the beginning of this Intifada in 2000, Israel has transformed the already harsh conditions under occupation into a nightmare of destruction and imprisonment. Economic life has severely suffered and unemployment has skyrocketed. Since September 2000, over 432 factories and 9,735 small shops and street seller stalls have been destroyed while Gaza’s industry has suffered complete breakdown due the destruction wrecked upon the Strip in the 2008/9 attack by Israel and the ongoing siege.

Palestinian workers are particularly suffering from this destruction and restrictions put on every aspect of life, which make reaching work places and earning a decent livelihood almost impossible. In its latest report on the situation of workers in Arab occupied territories, the ILO states that “no real improvement can take place unless restrictions imposed by the Israeli occupation, and the occupation itself is removed”. For the Palestinian labour movement the struggle for self-determination and freedom has become an intrinsic component and precondition for achieving their working class demands.

Hier de volledige tekst: Impact Palestinian workers under Israeli occupation, Stop the Wall 30-10-2011

Het artikel eindigt aldus:
In front of these prospects, as Palestinian workers struggling against occupation we thank international organizations for their long standing solidarity with our people and its recent statements in support of our people against the Israeli occupation. It is time all world organisations decided to boycott all Israeli institutions implicated in the occupation and its practices, impose a military embargo on Israel, and end free trade agreements as long as Israel continues its occupation, denies the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, keeps thousands of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, builds and maintains the apartheid wall and its settlements on our land.

vrijdag 4 november 2011

Russell Tribunaal over Palestina (Kaapstad, Zuid Afrika), met vakbondsinbreng

Rafeef Ziadah, representing the Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS (PTUC-BDS), the largest Palestinian trade union coalition and a member organisation of the BNC, will give evidence on the exploitation of Palestinian labour. Aldus de melding in bijgaand bericht (*).

Lees hierbij ook (over) het zojuist uitgekomen Corporate Complicity in Israel's Occupation met daarin de bevindingen van het Londense Russell Tribunaal in november 2010, verplichte vakbondskost. Dit te meer, wetend dat de zittingen van het Russell Tribunaal over Palestina in belangrijke mate mogelijk zijn gemaakt door de Britse en Zuid-Afrikaanse vakbeweging!

------------------------- Oorspronkelijk bericht -------------------------
Onderwerp: BNC to participate in South Africa session of Russell Tribunal on Palestine - November 5-7
Van:       "Palestinian BDS National Committee" <info@bdsmovement.net>
Datum:     Di, 1 november, 2011 6:43 pm
Aan:       "bnc-announce" <bnc-announce@lists.people-link.net>

Palestinian BDS National Committee to participate in South Africa session
of Russell Tribunal on Palestine - Cape Town, 5-7 November 2011

* Live webcast begins 8am local time Saturday 5 November :

* Representatives of the Palestinian BDS National Committtee (BNC), the broad
Palestinian civil society coalition that leads the BDS movement, will
participate in the Third International Session of the Russell Tribunal on
Palestine in South Africa next month. Rafeef Ziadah, Jamal Juma’ and Ingrid
Jaradat will appear as expert witnesses testifying about Israel’s apartheid
policies against the Palestinian people.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine is a public awareness tribunal set up by
international civil society to investigate violations of international law
perpetrated against the Palestinian people.

The upcoming session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine will investigate
the question: “Are Israel’s practices against the Palestinian People in
breach of the prohibition on Apartheid under International Law?”

Jamal Juma’, coordinator of BNC member organisation Stop the Wall, will
discuss measures designed to segregate Palestinians.
“Whereas international institutions and governments fail to take action in
support of justice and equality for the Palestinian people, the Russell
Tribunal will raise awareness about the urgency of holding Israel
accountable for its violations of international law,” said Juma’.
“This tribunal will serve as an effective tool with which to educate a
wider public about the nature of Israel’s system of oppression of
Palestinians and will help to mobilise support for popular resistance and
the BDS movement,” he added.

Rafeef Ziadah, representing the Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for BDS
(PTUC-BDS), the largest Palestinian trade union coalition and a member
organisation of the BNC, will give evidence on the exploitation of
Palestinian labour.

Ingrid Jaradat will discuss Palestinian identity and Palestinians as a
distinct racial  group for the purposes of the definition of apartheid.

Others due to attend include Stéphane Hessel, Alice Walker and Ronald
Kasrils, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela.

The Palestinian BDS National committee (BNC)
BNC-announce mailing list
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