zaterdag 20 oktober 2012

De Wereldbank en de Palestijnse economie, een analyse

New report deconstructs World Bank’s recommendations for Palestinian economy, Nora Barrows-Friedman 17-10-2012

A new report by Alaa Tartir and Jeremy Wildeman for the Palestinian Policy Network al-Shabaka takes a deep look at the role that the World Bank and international donors have had in the de-development of the Palestinian economy. ....

... The report summary adds:
It is meaningless to develop aid programs for the Palestinians without taking into account the full impact of the occupation and the settler colonial project. The latest Growth Report is only useful to reveal that the Palestinian economy is in a critical state of disrepair. The World Bank’s inability to provide contextually relevant policy recommendations that properly take into account the effects of occupation make its advice irrelevant. It is time to look for alternative models of aid, ones that do not just creatively seek new ways for the Palestinians to cope with life under occupation, but rather challenge and attempt to put an end to the unjust policies of occupation. This alone can lead to real economic growth.
… In fact, the World Bank itself has adopted a policy of sanitizing the language it uses when criticizing the effects of the occupation, using euphemisms that downplay its effects while focusing on the Palestinians and PA when searching for reasons to explain why the Bank’s own recommendations have failed. The Bank perniciously ignores its own mistakes and justifies failure on account of a lack of policy resolve by the Palestinians. Often the policy recommendations it provides are so contextually inaccurate that they themselves are ridiculous and dangerous to implement, and the ones recommended in the latest growth report exemplify this fatal flaw.
Zie voorts New report deconstructs World Banks recommendations Palestinian economy

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