vrijdag 29 november 2019


The Electronic Intifada

Why I’m suing EU for trading with settlements 

It may seem strange that we are taking this action around the same time that the EU’s top court ruled that all products from Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights must be labeled accurately.

Yet it should be emphasized that despite this verdict, the EU still allows trade with settlements. By doing so, the EU and its governments violate their obligations under international law.

Trading with settlements – all of which breach the Fourth Geneva Convention – is tantamount to conferring recognition on them. It also helps occupying powers to maintain and expand their illegal colonies.

Since the European Court of Justice verdict was delivered earlier this month, the US has, in effect, given its approval to Israel’s settlement activities. The declaration by Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, that the US does not view the settlements as illegal is itself a grave assault on international law.

It is all the more urgent, then, that the EU finally takes a tough stance against settlement activities.

Those activities contribute to a whole range of international law violations.

They obstruct the rights of Palestinians to self-determination. They involve the acquisition of land by force and the transfer of Israel’s civilian population to territories under military occupation – which, by definition, is a war crime.

And – by ensuring the domination of one ethnic group over another – they reinforce an apartheid system.





En wéér wordt Israël uitgezonderd in de VN

De Mensenrechtenraad van de VN liet een database opstellen van bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij het militaire regime van Myanmar. De database van bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij de Israëlische kolonisering is intussen jaren vertraagd.


Een Palestijnse demonstrant protesteert tegen de uitbreiding van de illegale Israëlische kolonies (‘nederzettingen’) op de Palestijnse Westelijke Jordaanoever. De internationale gemeenschap houdt Israël opzichtig de hand boven het hoofd. De Palestijnen betalen de prijs. [c] Issam Rimawi /

Dat opmerkelijke verschil maakt duidelijk dat de vaak gehoorde klacht dat Israël wordt uitgezonderd juist is, maar niet in de betekenis die daar door Israël aan wordt gegeven. Het is juist opvallend hoezeer het land uit de wind wordt gehouden. Afgelopen week publiceerden wij een artikel met dezelfde conclusie ten aanzien van het Internationaal Strafhof.


donderdag 14 november 2019

Protest in Gaza bij de 102e 'verjaardag' van de Balfour Verklaring

Mosques, churches, protests: Gaza on the Balfour Declaration’s 102nd anniversary

3rd November | Wafa Aludaini | Gaza, Occupied Palestine

Gazans march in protest on the 102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.
On the 102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, churches rang bells and mosques called for prayer at the same time, while tens of thousands of Palestinians entered the buffer zone this Friday between the besieged Gaza Strip and Israel in the massive weekly Great March of Return protest.

This 81st week of protests was called “Down with the Balfour Declaration!”. It marks the 102nd anniversary of the British declaration announcing support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. Palestinian masses now are calling on Britain to not only apologize but also rectify this major historical disregard for Palestinian self determination and statehood.

Palestinian children at the 81st week of the Great March of Return in Gaza.
Ali Salim, 55, stated that the Balfour Declaration, in fact, is the cause and source of all the Palestinian tragedies and sufferings since then: “The 102nd anniversary means 102 years of displacement, expulsion, massacres, and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.”
Khawla Khalil added, “We came here today to confirm our rights, and our rejection of Balfour! These days, we are experiencing the declaration through Trump’s Deal of the Century, when he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.”

Palestinian women holds a key, symbolizing the right of return for Palestinian
refugees, at a protest in Gaza on Friday, November 1st.
Duaa Abdellateef — spokesperson for the Women’s Committee adjunct to the Committee for the Great Return March — said the weekly marches will continue until Palestinian rights and demands are met.
“We will defeat all the local and international conspiracies that aim at liquidating our Palestinian national cause, including the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem, disregard of the internationally recognized right of return, and the proposed Israeli annexation of the West Bank.”

On Thursday afternoon, October 31st, mosques in Gaza called for prayers at precisely the same time local churches rang their bells, marking the 102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. The public statement was intended to show all faiths in Gaza renewing their rejection of the British empire’s edict. The coordinated actions by mosques and churches across Gaza were organized by the Great Return March’s higher committee.

One of the churches in Gaza which took part in the coordinated actions for the 
102nd anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

Wafa Aludaini is a journalist and activist in Gaza who writes a weekly column for ISM on the Great March of Return.


zaterdag 9 november 2019

MENA: Iraq: educators join nationwide demonstration

Iraq: educators join nationwide demonstration

The Iraqi Teachers’ Union called for a four-day strike starting on 28 October in solidarity with demonstrators urging public authorities to provide jobs, quality public services and to put an end to a political system that has failed them.

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The Iraqi Teachers’ Union (ITU) informed Education International (EI) that, since the beginning of the wave of unrest in the country, over a hundred people were killed and thousands wounded in the capital city of Baghdad, as security forces are cracking down on demonstrators. 
As teachers and trade unionists, ITU leaders and members are participating in and supporting the peaceful demonstrations. Moreover, the education union fully supports the demonstrators and their legitimate demands, which are vital to ensuring decent living standards. 
Therefore, ITU calls on their government to: 
  • Open an investigation into the killing of demonstrators and security forces; and hold accountable those who have committed such crimes;  
  • Resign after its failure to fulfil the demands of Iraqi people;  
  • Introduce amendments to the constitution banning governmental appointments on the basis of sectarian or ethnic quotas (known as Al Mohassassa), rather than on merit;  
  • Ensure the independence of the Iraqi judiciary system;  
  • End the widespread state corruption;  
  • Stop granting privileges to an elite, such as unjustified and multiple salaries; and 
  • Set up a new autonomous electoral commission. 
ITU has warned educators will go on an open-ended strike if the government does not respond genuinely to the demands of the Iraqi people. 
The union also calls on the international community, especially the United Nations, to ask the government of Iraq to protect the rights of peaceful demonstrators and put a halt to the clear violations of the freedom of association and assembly. 
“We urge the Iraqi government to end its brutal repression of demonstrators, a repression that violates the country’s own labour laws, as well as its obligations as a member state of the International Labour Organisation,” stated David Edwards, Education International’s General Secretary, in support of ITU and Iraqi people. “The Iraqi government must listen to those legitimate demands and address the political, economic and social factors in which the citizens’ discontent is rooted.” 

MENA: Lebanon: educators join nationwide protests calling for political and economic change

Lebanon: educators join nationwide protests calling for political and economic change

Education unions have expressed their support for the legitimate demands of hundreds of thousands of citizens calling for radical change in a political system accused of corruption, confessionalism and clientelism, and an end to the endless economic crisis plaguing Lebanon.
For nearly a week, the people of Lebanon have been rising against their politicians. Schools, universities and offices have been closed as hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gather all over the country to protest against those who have profited financially while steering Lebanon into an economic abyss. 
“We have said it several times:  do not look for money in the pockets of the poor in the name of economic reforms. Noting the wave of protests that spread throughout the country demanding drastic reform of Lebanon’s political system, we stand in solidarity with the legitimate demands of the citizens of Lebanon,” the Public Primary Schools Teachers League in Lebanon (PPSTLL) stated, reflecting the views of all education unions affiliated to Education International (EI) in the country, which include PPSTLL, the Comité des enseignants techniques officiels (CETO), the Ligue des Professeurs de l'Enseignement Secondaire Public du Liban (LPESPL) and the Teachers Syndicate of Lebanon (TSL). 
The austerity measures are reflected in the restriction of rights, in ever-growing taxes, frozen salaries, the high unemployment rate and other consequences Lebanese people have had to live with: “Those protests are the cry of pain of all citizens. People’s purchasing power has severely decreased and many were pushed below the poverty line”. 
The education unionists insist that, while the Lebanese have endured a lot of pressure silently, they are no longer able to be patient, having seen their living conditions and incomes steadily decreasing. They consider it “a great injustice” to further undermine the incomes of employees, workers and retirees, to the point where living with dignity would become impossible. 
They therefore reiterate their strong and full support for the protesters, and call on: 
  • The government to look for different solutions to the economic crisis rather than imposing taxes on those with limited income, particularly employees in the public sector; and  
  • All teachers to be ready to act together with Lebanese trade union members of the teacher unions’ Coordination Committee and the General Labour Union.  

Achtergrond: Colombia, sinds 2016 werden 700 inheemse activisten vermoord, exclusief de moorden op journalisten, vakbondsleiders, milieuactivisten, lokale politici van oppositiepartijen.

Analyse -

Vijf leiders inheemse volkeren afgeslacht in Colombia, media zwijgen

Woensdag 30 oktober werden vijf Colombiaanse inheemse leiders afgeslacht in de regio Cauca. 

In heel Colombia werden sinds 2016 700 inheemse activisten vermoord. Dit cijfer omvat niet de moorden op journalisten, vakbondsleiders, milieuactivisten, lokale politici van oppositiepartijen. 

De bijna totale desinteresse van de massamedia hier voor schendingen van mensenrechten in Colombia de voorbije dertig jaar contrasteert schril met de verontwaardigde berichtgeving over buurland Venezuela van de recentste vijf jaar. 

Meer  https://www.dewereldmorgen.be/artikel/2019/11/04/vijf-leiders-inheemse-volkeren-afgeslacht-in-colombia-media-zwijgen/


Zie ook 

Colombia: stop the wave of violence and harassment targeting education unionists! 

Education International supports its affiliate, the Federación Colombiana de Educadores, in denouncing and firmly condemning assassinations and threats targeting Colombian educators, trade unionists, and social leaders.
Several teachers have been assassinated, threatened and targeted by violent groups in Colombia.

Achtergronden: over de politionele acties in Indonesië

Vijftig jaar Excessennota

‘De sneeuwbal rolt dan verder’

In 1969 verscheen de Excessennota, over de politionele acties in Indonesië tussen 1945 en 1950. Een explosieve ambtelijke notitie over de medeverantwoordelijkheid van toenmalige bewindslieden als Willem Drees werd angstvallig verzwegen. Die politieke doofpot duurt voort tot vandaag.

Achtergronden: na de val van de Muur (helaas niet die van Israel)

Dertig jaar na de val van de Muur

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