zaterdag 1 november 2014

Israel's nederzettingen-uitbreiding is een schande, aldus IVV (ITUC)

En tijd om Palestijnse staat volledig te erkennen, aldus de verklaring van de ITUC (IVV, internationaal vakbondsverbond) op 29 oktober. Over IVV-druk om een en ander te bereiken - sancties - zwijgt de verklaring helaas.
Ondermeer vijf jaar geleden - op 20 november 2009 - was er ook zo'n scherpe IVV-veroordeling van de Israelische nederzettingen-politiek, zie hier.
En tien jaar terug eiste de voorganger van het IVV - de ICFTU - in een slotresolutie (2) een onmiddellijk einde van de bezetting van 1967 en afbraak van 'de Muur', conform de uitspraak van het Internationaal Gerechtshof te Den Haag op 9 juli 2004.
In tien jaar tijd is er weer veel Muur en zijn er weer veel kolonisten bij gekomen .......


Israel’s Settlement Expansion is an Outrage – Time for Full Recognition of Palestinian State

The ITUC has condemned Israel’s intention to build yet another 1,000 settlement dwellings in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

Sharan Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said, “Binyamin Netanyahu’s government is treating the international community with total contempt, and trampling further on the rights and livelihoods of Palestinians with this provocative and illegal move.

Governments around the world should respond by giving formal recognition to the State of Palestine, and acting to stop any form of international involvement in building and sustaining these illegal settlements.”
The adoption by the Irish Senate last week of a Resolution to recognise the State of Palestine follows the announcement by Sweden’s government that it plans to formally recognise Palestine, and a recognition motion passed overwhelmingly by the UK Parliament earlier this month.

“Well over 100 countries have now formally recognised the Palestinian State, with parliaments in many others also passing symbolic motions. Symbolic recognition needs to be turned into action, so that the long-promised two-state solution for Israel and Palestine can become a reality. There is every reason for Palestinians to have international recognition, and no good reason for yet further delay. The status quo is a threat to peace and stability in the region and a denial of human rights for the Palestinian people,” said Burrow.

The ITUC is also supporting the call by the Palestinian Authority on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for the UN to afford special protection status to Palestine.
“The international community needs to step up to the task of helping rebuild the Gaza Strip, and the political stagnation which is stopping progress needs to be turned into real action by the global community to break the impasse,” said Burrow.

ITUC 2014 Congress Statement

ITUC 2010 Congress Statement


Slotresolutie ICFTU-Congres december 2004

 Punt 12 in de slotresolutie gaat over het Midden-Oosten; eis is een onmiddellijk eind van de 1967-bezetting!

Quotes in punt 12:

- "... the building by the Israeli government of a separation wall which unfortunately intrudes substantially into Palestinian territory is a violation of international law according to the International Court of Justice and of the rights of Palestinians and can only make peace and mutual coexistence harder to achieve; therefore we call for the full application of all relevant UN Security Council resolutions and that of the International Court of Justice...."

- "... Congress further calls upon the Israeli government to end the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza without delay, and to remove settlements from these territories, recognising that their continued existence is a major barrier to resolving the conflict...."

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