zondag 1 december 2019

The Rights Forum: Palestina en de rol van Europa

Palestina en de rol van Europa

Israëls straffeloosheid in relatie tot het Palestijnse volk moet beantwoord worden met een eis vanuit Europa dat Israël verantwoording aflegt voor zijn acties. Het is nu tijd om actie te ondernemen, is de boodschap Mouin Rabbani. In dit opiniestuk, een weergave van zijn toespraak tijdens de bijeenkomst ter viering van het veertigjarige bestaan van de Lutfia Rabbani Foundation op 21 november 2019 in Den Haag, zet hij uiteen waarom.

Mouin Rabbani spreekt tijdens de conferentie ter viering van het veertigjarige bestaan van de Lutfia Rabbani Foundation. 

The Palestinian cause, and the relationship between Europe and the Arab World, were issues particularly close to my late father’s heart, and I am therefore extremely pleased to have the opportunity to address these issues here today.

The Palestinian struggle for self-determination is currently experiencing a period of maximum danger. As we have seen in recent years, the United States, acting in intimate collusion with Israel, has advanced a number of unilateral initiatives intended to transform the Question of Palestine. 

These include US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; de facto US recognition of exclusive Israeli sovereignty over the entirety of the Holy City; US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan Heights; the US campaign to remove the Palestinian refugee question from the international agenda; the US formal adoption of the position that the occupied Palestinian territories are not occupied territories; and most recently the US declaration that Israel’s settlements in occupied territory, which are illegal under international law and in fact defined as war crimes by the Fourth Geneva Convention, are not illegal.


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